Feeling Gothicky? OGOM Welcomes Prof. Lucie Armitt for ‘Haunted Landscapes’ May 13th at UH

Looking forward to meeting our next speaker Prof. Lucie Armitt (University of Lincoln) on 13th May. Many of you will know Lucie’s work. She is greatly esteemed in the field of Gothic studies and is a specialist in the fantastic, twentieth-century Gothic and women’s writing. Her talk, which is on ‘haunted landscapes’, is the first paper from a new project of Lucie’s based on the relationship between climate change and the uncanny which sounds very intriguing.


The talk entitled ‘Haunted Landscapes and the Writings of Kate Mosse’ will take place at the University of Hertfordshire, De Havilland Campus,  3.30-5.00 in Room W102. Please email me on s.george@herts.ac.uk if you would like to attend. Drinks and gothicky chat afterwards at Club de Havilland.

Lucie is also the external examiner for Kaja’s PhD progression viva on the same day. Good luck Kaja!

About Sam George

Associate Professor of Research, School of Humanities, University of Hertfordshire Co-convenor OGOM Project
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0 Responses to Feeling Gothicky? OGOM Welcomes Prof. Lucie Armitt for ‘Haunted Landscapes’ May 13th at UH

  1. firekrank says:

    Thank you! I am trying to remain cool, calm, confident and collected. And I am really looking forward to hearing Lucie’s talk and getting a chance to air my research. All good practice for the final viva.

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