The Poet, the Physician and the Birth of the Modern Vampire

A very interesting article on the relationship between Byron and John Polidori, and the writing of the latter’s seminal vampire tale, The Vampyre.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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0 Responses to The Poet, the Physician and the Birth of the Modern Vampire

  1. Kyle Marffin says:

    Okay now, I’m just surfing some stuff in my WordPress Reader, and I think I’m concluding you must be the mistress of good links! Thanks of this providing a link to this one too. Entering ‘vampires’ in the WordPress Reader usually just yields endless — and I mean ENDLESS — authors’ self-promo posts of various vamp-erotica and vampire romance novels-in-progress or recently self-publsihed. This is so refreshing…well, in a nice ‘n dark sort of way.

    • Thanks, Kyle. I know the sort of thing you mean. In a way, the abundance of that sort of thing is testimony to the appeal of the vampire, and it’s that which we are researching. But we hope to keep this site rigorously academic (without being too dry and funless!). I’m glad you’re finding it useful!

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