Female Werewolves and the Big, Bad Wolf

In anticipation of OGOM’s Being Human event, ‘Redeeming the Wolf: A Story of Persecution, Loss, and Rediscovery‘ (tickets for this free event still available here), here are three items which may instruct or amuse.

Alexandra MoeHagen argues here that ‘Female Werewolves Are Rare Because The World Hates Bitches‘. I think this argument is somewhat contentious, but please do respond with your thoughts.

It’s perhaps common knowledge now that the original versions of fairy tales are not exactly sweet and innocent, but this article by Magda Origjanska, ‘The earlier versions of Little Red Riding Hood were violent and grotesque‘ may still be of interest. There are some fine illustrations of the tale.

Adaptations and reworkings of fairy tale are a central concern of OGOM, and ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ has numerous incarnations in YA paranormal romance and, most famously, the baroque revisions of Angela Carter. Here is a delightfully dark and funny version in comic form, Gabrielle Bell’s ‘Little Red and Big Bad’. It’s hilarious!

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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