Angela Carter Online

I make no apologies for posting yet again on Angela Carter; she is, I think, one of the most important and most accomplished writers in English of the twentieth century. She escapes genre, but is imbricated with all the genres and modes that OGOM takes particular interest in: the Gothic, fantasy, fairy tale, paranormal romance, and so on, without ever herself being confined to those forms.

Caleb Stivyer of the University of Cardiff has already been Tweeting and using a Facebook group to disseminate information on Carter (both well wort following). He has now set up a dedicated blog, Angela Carter Online, here. I’ve also added it to our blogroll links, which appear in the right-hand sidebar of this page and our Resources page. It’s brilliant, so do follow it.

In addition, BBC Radio 4 is doing readings from Angela Carter’s Book of Fairytales, also available on line.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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