New links and CFP: Anne Rice, African myth, fantasy journal, Daphne Du Maurier

We’ve added some new links to the OGOM website, expanding its potential as a research tool for students, early career researchers, and established scholars.

1. Sam George on Anne Rice

OGOM’s Dr Sam George gave a talk recently on BBC Radio 4’s Last Word, following the sad death of Anne Rice, author of Interview With the Vampire and the subsequent Vampire Chronicles novels. There is now a link to that talk from our Resources page for Online talks and interviews.

2. Mythological Africans

Those of you who follow Helen Nde’s brilliant @MythicAfricans posts on Twitter will be pleased to know she has set up the Mythological Africans website as an excellent resource for the many divers mythological and folkloric traditions in Africa. We’ve set up a Related Link to this on the right-hand column of our Blog and Resources pages so that you can conveniently access it among the other useful links we have there

3. Mapping the Impossible: Journal of Fantasy Research

A new online journal has just emerged: Mapping the Impossible: Journal of Fantasy Research, affiliated to the University of Glasgow’s Centre for Fantasy and the Fantastic. It is an open-access student journal publishing peer-reviewed research into fantasy and the fantastic. We’ve added a link to our list of relevant journals (again, on the right-hand column of the Blog and Resources pages) and we wish them best of luck in this new venture.

4. CFP: Reimagining Rebecca: a symposium on du Maurier’s novel & its legacy. University of Sussex, 27 May 2022. Deadline: 7 March 2022

“I am glad it cannot happen twice, the fever of first love,” writes Daphne du Maurier in her 1938 domestic Gothic novel Rebecca. But to look at Rebecca’s legacy is to see the fever of love for the story itself happen over and over again. Its influences on the 20th century domestic gothic and 21st century domestic noir literary genres have been well documented [. . .] This symposium will be held on Friday 27th May at Sussex University, aiming to explore these questions and beyond through examinations of du Maurier’s novel and its legacy: its feverish first love, its second wives, and its haunting, ghostly imprint on popular culture.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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