CFPs: Divine disasters, Poe, Byron, James Hogg, narrative

Some CFPs for forthcoming conferences:

1. CFP: Divine Disasters: Exploring distressed landscapes in literature and theology

University of Warwick, 24 February 2024
Deadline: 27 October 2023

This conference proposes “divine disasters” as a new lens for examining the interrelationship between theology, ecology, and literature. We invite papers that consider how ideas of faith, religion, the divine or the sacred are challenged during ecological crises. [. . .] This conference welcomes explorations of “divine disasters” in various forms, from imagined apocalyptic landscapes in literature to the religious implications of real-life post-disaster recovery

2. CFP: Poe and the Global Gothic: New Perspectives

Panel at 2024 ALA Conference in Chicago (May 23-26).
Deadline: 12 January 2024

Poe’s works have often been analyzed from the perspective of the Gothic. Many studies focus on Poe’s response to the eighteenth-century and early nineteenth-century traditions, both in Europe and in the United States. Another common approach is to consider Poe’s reception by other Gothic writers, his contemporaries, or his successors. As we now talk about Global Gothic, thus expanding and crossing boundaries and genres, what place does Poe occupy?

3. CFP: Teaching Poe and (No) Nature

Panel at 2024 ALA Conference in Chicago (May 23-26).
Deadline: 12 January 2024

We now seek proposals that explore ways of teaching Poe by highlighting his contributions to current debates on the Anthropocene, posthuman(ism), extractivism and global depletion, or that suggest pedagogical uses of Poe’s work in various contexts such as university classrooms, artistic endeavors, and public-facing projects on our current environmental crisis.

4. CFP: ‘Byron: The Pilgrim of Eternity’: 48th International Byron Conference

International Association of Byron Societies, Athens – Messolonghi, Greece, 1-7 July 2024
Deadline: 22 December 2023

Two hundred years after Byron’s death, the International Association of Byron Societies, representing over a dozen nations, will assemble in Greece to honour Byron, discuss his work, assess its place within the Romantic movement, and explore his afterlife and lasting impact on global culture.[. . .] The Academic Committee solicits proposals of roughly 250 words for presentations considering any aspect of Byron’s life, work, and influence, with particular emphasis on bicentennial reflections on Byron as’Pilgrim of Eternity’.

5. CFP: Devils and Justified Sinners

Romancing the Gothic, on line, 24-25t August 2024
Deadline: 1 March 2024

In 1824, the Ettrick Shepherd, James Hogg, wrote his The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner. Its intricate narrative structure, complex interrogation of theological extremism, and unforgettable depiction of the demonic made it a pivotal novel in the development of the British Gothic and a distinct Scottish Gothic tradition. This year’s conference seeks to mark the anniversary of the novel’s publication.

6. CFP: 2024 annual conference of the International Society for the Study of Narrative

Newcastle University, 17-19 April 2024
Deadline: 1 November 2023

paper and panel submissions relating to any aspect of narrative theory and practice, in any genre, period, discipline, language, and medium. We are particularly interested in papers from colleagues in the Global South, from colleagues working on narrative forms before the twentieth century, and from colleagues working on narrative in relation to social justice.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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