CFPs: Dark Economies, Lovecraft Country, Zombies

Some excitng CFPs for conferences here–the deadline for ‘Dark Econimies’ is very soon, so hurry!

1. ‘Dark Economies: Anxious Futures, Fearful Pasts‘, Falmouth University, UK, 7-9 July 2021. A face-to-face conference!
Deadline: 1 February 2021.

The present is dark. With the rise of Covid-19, right-wing populism, global migrations and immigrations, continued violence, abuse and crime, prejudice and intolerance, there is increasing anxiety about the future. The Earth itself is under threat from environmental catastrophe and a mass extinction event is anticipated. The collapse of society, morality, and the environment was often also feared in the past, particularly in Gothic, horror and dystopian fictions and texts. What were the monsters of the past? What are our monsters now?

2. ‘Cults, Cthulus, and Klansmen: The (Hi)stories within Lovecraft Country‘, Centre for the History of the Gothic at the University of Sheffield, 20 May 2021. On line.
Deadline: 15 March 2021

This online symposium, hosted by the Centre for the History of the Gothic at the University of Sheffield, seeks to unpack the history, theory, and sociopolitical commentary neatly woven into the series Lovecraft Country. Remaining mindful of the show as a Horror series, this symposium will evaluate Green’s manipulations of Gothic and Horror tropes in conveying a powerful and complex critique of contemporary America.

3. ‘Theorizing Zombiism 2 Conference: Undead Again‘, University of Gothenburg, 29-31 July 2021. On line.
Deadline: 10 March 2021

The zombie as an allegory for cultural, social, and scientific analysis spans almost every discipline including humanities, biology, mathematics, anthropology, economics, and political science. This range of use for the zombie narrative is a clear indication of its adaptability and viability as a distinct framework for critical theory. Theorizing Zombiism 2: Undead again will thus serve as a timely and much-needed platform for the development of international and interdisciplinary relationships between researchers, educators, practitioners and other interested parties.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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