CFP: Genre Worlds: Popular Fiction in the 21st Century, State Library of Queensland, Brisbane, 10 November 2017

Call for papers for a conference on popular fiction–sadly, too far for us in the UK, but looks great. Deadline is 21 April 2017.

Popular fiction is one of the most dynamic cultural and commercial divisions of twenty-first century publishing. Internally, it is organised along the lines of genres, creating what we call ‘genre worlds.’  This conference will consider the ways that contemporary genre worlds function as sectors of the publishing industry, as social and cultural formations, and as bodies of texts. Who is publishing popular fiction? Who is reading it? How do genre communities form, and how do texts circulate within them? How are terms like popular fiction, genre fiction, commercial fiction and trade publishing used, and what do they suggest about the way that popular fiction is conceived of and valued, by the industry and academy alike?

We invite abstracts for presentations on aspects of Australian and international popular fiction genres, industries, markets and communities. Submissions are welcome from scholars across the humanities and social science disciplines, including those working in cultural studies, publishing studies, sociology, cultural economics, literary studies and creative writing.


About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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