Category Archives: Publications

Watcher Junior: The Undergraduate Journal of Whedon Studies

For all undergraduate students of the Gothic, The Undergraduate Journal of Whedon Studies could be a valuable forum to exchange ideas–and practice the publication of your own ideas and research.

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The Dead Men Stood Together Longlisted for the UKLA Children’s Book Award

Lancaster University’s Beyond Twilight blog on YA fiction resumes with a review of Chris Priestley’s novel, The Dead Men Stood Together, based on Coleridge’s ‘Rime of the Ancient mariner’. This looks a fascinating novel. Beyond Twilight was established by Catherine … Continue reading

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Once Upon a Time review – Marina Warner’s scholarly history of the fairytale

A review of Marina Warner’s new book on the fairytale, Once Upon a Time–which looks brilliant!

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Franklin Gregory, The White Wolf (1941)

A new edition of Franklin Gregory’s werewolf novel, The White Wolf (1941), from the excellent independent publisher, Valancourt Books, who have made available a great range of neglected Gothic texts.

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Irish Gothics: Genres, Forms, Modes, and Traditions, 1760-1890

New book from Palgrave Macmillan, edited by Christina Morin and Niall Gillespie, on Irish Gothic literature in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

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The Gothic and the Everyday: Living Gothic

New book from Palgrave Macmillan, edited by Lorna Piatti-Farnell and Maria Beville, on the relation of Gothic to lived experience.

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Prince Lestat: The Vampire Chronicles 11 by Anne Rice

Coming soon (on 30 October 2014, appropriately): the new Anne Rice novel, Prince Lestat. Rice returns at last to the Vampire Chronicles series, which began twenty years ago with the classic Interview With the Vampire.

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Gothic Origins: Film, Fiction and History

A very useful compilation of articles from Routledge journals on the Gothic. Unfortunately, the free access to these ended in September, but still worth looking at.

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Marcus Sedgwick: where I write

A fascinating photographic exploration of the places that have inspired Marcus Sedgwick’s new novel, The Ghosts of Heaven. Marcus is an award-winning novelist whose work has been a focus and inspiration for the OGOM Project and who has also generously … Continue reading

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Marcus Sedgwick, The Ghosts of Heaven

The celebrated YA author Marcus Sedgwick, who has been a generous contributor to OGOM from its inception, has a new novel out which looks very exciting: The Ghosts of Heaven. Visit the website and watch the brilliant trailer.

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