Category Archives: OGOM: The Company of Wolves

What do you do at a werewolf conference?

Here’s What you do at a werewolf conference according to Britain Weekly

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Hashtags and wolf cup cakes

Another day at the coal face at Company of Wolves. Today I sorted the stock for the book signings for Marcus and Sir Chris and arranged the promotional material. We are getting advanced copies of ‘The Bloody Chamber’ before the … Continue reading

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When the wolves come out of the walls

A crazy day here preparing for the conference. Kaja, Bill and I have been frantically exchanging messages, fielding hundreds of emails and sorting through the many werewolf novels that have been sent to us in the post. The afternoon was … Continue reading

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US, Russia and China Debate UK Werewolf Conference

Following Reuters news of our werewolf conference ‘Company of Wolves’ has gone global! Here are some stories from around the world There’s a Conference in the UK all About Werewolves Smithsonian Magazine It’ll be a Howler: Werewolf Conference Aims to … Continue reading

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BBC Interview with Kaja Franck

Kaja Franck, fellow OGOM researcher and conference coorganiser, responds brilliantly here in an interview for BBC Three Counties Radio on werewolves and the Company of Wolves conference. The interview begins at 1:37:00–just after Duran Duran’s ‘Hungry Like the Wolf’ is … Continue reading

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The Howl Truth: Press coverage for OGOM Company of Wolves

Here’s a summary of the latest press coverage for the OGOM Company of Wolves Conference, 3-5 September. There are still places available for those who want to come along (possibly the most fun you can have at an academic conference). … Continue reading

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The Wolves are coming closer!

We’re getting some excellent press coverage for the Company of Wolves conference (albeit with a few inaccuracies here and there); now on the BBC front page. Great to see Kaja fielding questions about her research to interested parties!! If any … Continue reading

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Open Graves, Open MInds Project Facebook group

We now have a Facebook group for the Open Graves, Open Minds Project. This will be devoted in the next few weeks to the Company of Wolves conference, so please join up to receive the latest news about the conference … Continue reading

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The Wolves Are Running!

The excitement is mounting as the Company of Wolves conference approaches! Today Kaja Franck, OGOM Researcher, has been interviewed by BBC News and by BBC Radio 4 about the conference. And the Guardian have also given us substantial coverage.

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Company of Wolves: The Illustrated Programme

We have signed off the proofs for the final conference schedule. Click on the link below to view the fabulous design and see the event in its full glory. Its wonderful to see it all come together …get ready for … Continue reading

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