Category Archives: OGOM Research

The Coffin Boffin’s Choice of Vintage Vampire Shorts

Here, in all their beauty and glory are my pick of the greatest vintage vampire shorts; seductive and predatory, terrifying and comic, vital and metaphoric, doomed and daring! View Post

Posted in MA Reading the Vampire module news, OGOM Research | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

America’s first vampire was Black and revolutionary – it’s time to remember him

Article by Sam George, University of Hertfordshire The Black Vampyre is an early literary example of an argument for emancipation of slaves. Thomas Nast/Harper’s Weekly/The Met In April of 1819, a London periodical, the New Monthly Magazine, published The Vampyre: … Continue reading

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Gothic Hybridity: the Nature of Demons

Hybridity is something that I have always found interesting to explore in relation to the gothic. I’ve blogged about fairy tale hybridity in relation to Beauty and the Beast and commented on the Wellcome’s ‘Making Nature’ exhibition on faux taxonomy and hybrid creatures as well as … Continue reading

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CFPs, new resources: Gothic Nature, Middle Eastern Gothics, Science Fiction and empire

We recognise this is a very uncertain time and we at OGOM hope everyone is well and safe. Despite the barriers, academic life goes on and we have a few CFPs to advertise, plus some new resources added to the … Continue reading

Posted in Call for Articles, CFP (Conferences), OGOM Research | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Vampires, werewolves, and Jane Austen

I am being interviewed here by Brian from Toothpickings. I talk about vampires and werewolves, the folklore of these creatures and its transmutation into literature. I also make some very tenuous links between this, the Enlightenment, Jane Austen and paranormal … Continue reading

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Vampire criticism: Slayage and Angel; Holly Black’s Coldtown

Angel, the tormented ‘vampire with a soul’, was, through his love affair with Buffy in Joss Whedon’s TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997‒2003), one significant archetype of the romantic vampire of paranormal romance. Whedon then developed his character further … Continue reading

Posted in Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news, OGOM Research, Resources | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

OGOM postgraduate successes: Matt Beresford and Daisy Butcher

Dr Sam George has supervised some very fruitful research projects at the University of Hertfordshire with her PhD students and we’d like to announce two great achievements. First, we’d like to congratulate Dr Matt Beresford for successfully defending his thesis, … Continue reading

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UK Werewolf Hauntings: Are We Living in Gothic Times?

In the opening decades of the twenty-first century, with Trump in the White House and Brexit on the horizon, Angela Carter’s famous assertion of 1974 that ‘we live in Gothic times’ has never been more apt. This theme of ‘Gothic … Continue reading

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OGOM Supernatural St Albans Halloween Tour

Join the Open Graves, Open Minds Project on 31st October to explore the magical and spectral history of St Albans. Your hosts will be vampire expert Dr Sam George and Dr Kaja Franck (a specialist in werewolves); together they will … Continue reading

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Evil Roots: book launch and film showing, Odyssey Cinema, St Albans, 7 September 2019

If you’ve been enjoying the @OGOMProject #BotanicalGothic theme on Twitter, come along and celebrate the release of my book Evil Roots: Killer Tales of the Botanical Gothic with myself at the Odyssey Cinema. (For the Twitter Moments on #BotanicalGothic, click … Continue reading

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