Category Archives: Critical thoughts

Beauty and Beastliness: Intertextuality, genre mutation, and utopian possibilities in paranormal romance

We now have a repository where we hope to make talks and other research outputs available. I’ve uploaded my talk, ‘Beauty and Beastliness: Intertextuality, genre mutation, and utopian possibilities in paranormal romance‘, which I gave recently at the excellent ‘Damsels … Continue reading

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The Works of H. G. Wells

This is an excellent blog devoted to reading through the work of H. G. Wells, with critical summaries of each text. I have added a permanent link in the Related Links section on the right-hand side of the Blog and … Continue reading

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The malign influence of Beauty and the Beast

I’m always suspicious about deterministic claims for the malignant effects of fiction, which were rife in the eighteenth century with the rise of the novel and its effects on women and which have accompanied the emergence of new media ever … Continue reading

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More Beauty and the Beast

More useful links on ‘Beauty and the Beast’ (see previous posts by Sam and I). First, a short piece by Constance Grady on some of the many various adaptations of the tales, covering Robin McKinley’s Beauty and Rose Daughter, Angela … Continue reading

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Review: Beauty and the Beast, dir. by Bill Condon (Disney, 2017)

Sam and I have been posting on the theme of ‘Beauty and the Beast recently here and here (I am doing research on the tale and will be presenting a paper at the Damsels in Redress conference next month). I … Continue reading

Posted in Critical thoughts, Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news, Reviews | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Beauty and the Beast: more thoughts

Further to Sam’s post below, I’m writing a paper on YA adaptations of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ for the Damsels in Redress: Women in Contemporary Fairy-Tale Reimaginings at Queen’s University, Belfast (7-8 April), so the tale is very much on … Continue reading

Posted in Critical thoughts, Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news, Resources | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Fairy Tale Hybridity: What Kind of Animal is Beast in ‘Beauty and the Beast’?

‘Beauty and the Beast’ belongs to the Animal Groom cycle of fairy tales alongside ‘The Frog King’ and ‘Cupid and Psyche’.  I have always been intrigued by what kind of animal Beast is in this tale.  In his twenty first-century … Continue reading

Posted in Critical thoughts, Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news, Reviews | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Buffy: 20 years on

Some more interesting pieces on how important Buffy the Vampire Slayer is, twenty years after it was first shown. Lauren O’Callaghan’s article ‘20 years of the Slayer: How Buffy defined a generation of TV and movies‘ explores the series’ originality … Continue reading

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Buffy – My Childhood Companion

Happy Buffyversary! Bill has already blogged links to some wonderful articles about BtVS and below are a few more that may be of interest: The Guardian, ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a feminist parable for everyone – including me’, Anthony Head … Continue reading

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Buffy: ‘academia’s most-studied pop cultural artifact’

Buffy the Vampire Slayer was first shown twenty years ago this week. Its multi-layered cleverness, its wit and wordplay, the depth of its characterisation and its subtle feminism, have not faded. Its influence on TV has been huge and it … Continue reading

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