Category Archives: Critical thoughts

Gail Turley Houston, ‘From Dickens to Dracula’

A thoughtful short essay on Dracula and the presence of the Gothic mode in Victorian fiction generally.

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Adam J Smith, ‘A True Accouneit of Sublime Terror and Paranormal Activity’

In this amusing and insightful blog entry, Dr Adam Smith muses on the eighteenth-century origins of terror and the sublime while watching the film Paranormal Activity 4, via Daniel Defoe and Ann Radcliffe.

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Dr Sorcha Ní Fhlainn of Manchester Metropolitan University gives a talk on the origin of vampires.

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History at Stake! The Story Behind Vampire Slaying Kits

We’ve shown a few pictures of vampire slaying kits on this blog before. Here’s a historical account of them from the British Library, where they have one on display as part of the Terror and Wonder exhibition on Gothic.

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Neil Gaiman on Fairy Tales Revisited

Of interest to anyone concerned with the contemporary transformation of fairy tales, in YA Gothic and elsewhere, this podcast by the always brilliant and imaginative author Neil Gaiman discusses his new interpretation of the Grimms’ tale ‘Hansel and Gretel’.

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Dale Townshend, ‘An introduction to Ann Radcliffe’

An excellent and illuminating piece by Dr Dale Townshend, Senior Lecturer in Gothic and Romantic Literature at the University of Stirling, on the work of Ann Radcliffe, one of the pioneers of the Gothic novel.

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Neil McRobert, ‘The Current State of Experimental Gothic: Part One’

A very interesting blog post by Neil McRobert, the first part of a discussion on postmodern experimental Gothic fiction (of which Mark Z. Danielewski’s House of Leaves (2000) is exemplary).

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Amanda Hopkins, ‘The Medieval Werewolf’

A fascinating and useful blog article on the literary representations of werewolves in medieval romance by Dr Amanda Hopkins at the University of Warwick.

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“There is no escape.” Horace Walpole and the terrifying rise of the Gothic

Nick Groom on the trajectory from Horace Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto (1764) to present-day Gothic culture. The rise of the Gothic novel to horror and SF film and Goth music and fashion, with a glance at architecture, are all … Continue reading

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Marina Warner, ‘Once upon a time, part 1’

Marina Warner being typically brilliant and evocative on fairy tales.

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