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Category Archives: Critical thoughts
Frankenstein: essays and 1910 film
A bit behind with blogging, so quite a few Frankenstein items have accumulated (it being, as I’m sure you’ll know, the 200th anniversary of the novel’s publication). First, a brief discussion, with some very useful links, of the claim by … Continue reading
Posted in Critical thoughts
Tagged art, Film, Frankenstein, Ireland, Mary Shelley, moral philosophy, morality, science, science fiction
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Older than Dracula: in search of the English vampire
Older than Dracula: in search of the English vampire The Premature Burial. Antoine Wiertz (1854) Sam George, University of Hertfordshire The story of Count Dracula as many of us know it was created by Bram Stoker, an Irishman, in 1897. … Continue reading
Deviant Burial of ‘Vampire’ Child in C15th Italy
I am mapping ‘deviant’ burials for a piece I am writing on Wharram Percy, the medieval English village that mutilated its own dead, including many women and children. Whatever these people believed eventually took hold completely and led to them … Continue reading
Emily Brontë : bicentennial essays
A few days late, but here are a selection of articles celebrating the bicentenary of Emily Brontë, whose singular 1847 novel Wuthering Heights took the architexts of the Gothic novel and added new psychological depth. It also lay the foundations … Continue reading
Will the Blood Moon Come Too Soon?
Serpents, dragons, jaguars, bats and wolves are all associated with the eclipse, according the Smithsonian Magazine’s What Folklore Tells us About the Eclipse. You have probably heard of the myth of the wolf who swallows the sun or moon causing an eclipse or … Continue reading
Posted in Critical thoughts, Fun stuff
Tagged Blood Moon, Bonnie Tyler, eclipse, Vampires, varcolac, Werewolves
Genre, dreadpunk, mannerpunk, the female Gothic
What constitutes a genre or subgenre and whether even the concept of genre itself has any use is much debated; it’s certainly a focal point of OGOM research, where we’re often concerned with what happens when genres collide or mate, … Continue reading
Mermaids: ballads, novels, films
Mermaids and related creatures such as sirens and selkies have a perennial appeal; we at OGOM love them and they have featured in quite a few posts here. There may be deep Freudian reasons for our fascination but we’re certainly … Continue reading
Posted in Critical thoughts
Tagged ballads, bisexuality, Feminism, gender, mermaids, sexuality, Siren
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: academia and Gothic heroines
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a foundational text in many ways–not least, for OGOM’s origins, being the series which, with its wit, humanity, and dark imagination led me into vampire studies. It’s probably the TV series most written about by … Continue reading
Posted in Critical thoughts
Tagged Amerciacn Gothic, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Female Gothic, TV, Vampires
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Fairy Tales: art, essays, and resources
Some more interesting links on fairy tales: Margaret Carrigan, in ‘What Can Fairy Tales Tell Us About Today? Two Video Artists Offer Modern Takes‘, reviews the video art of Ericka Beckman and Marianna Simnett, showing at London’s Zabludowicz Collection through … Continue reading
Posted in Critical thoughts, exhibitions, Resources
Tagged adaptation, art, fairy tale, Feminism, Genre, Gothic, Grimm brothers, Mary de Morgan, Pre-Raphaelit, Rana Dasgupta, suffragette, video