Category Archives: Critical thoughts

Lesbian Vampires in the Movies

I admit that I watched the appalling Lesbian Vampire Killers (2009) and was suitably disappointed. (And I unashamedly like terribly, B-Movie style films). Though I suspect it meant to be an ironic homage to early lesbian vampire movies, it ventured too far into … Continue reading

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A Compendium of Monsters

Over the Halloween period, the Wellcome Collection have put together an online compendium of monsters including the witch, zombie, werewolf, vampire and ghost. Though it’s quite tongue-in-cheek, I always think it is interesting to note what constitutes the stereotype of … Continue reading

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I Saw Three Witches

I saw three witches Asleep in a valley, Their heads in a row, like stones in a flood. Till the moon, creeping upward, Looked white through the valley, And turned them to bushes in bright scarlet bud. (From Walter de … Continue reading

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Witches, Gothic Novels, and Cosmic Horror

I’ve been a bit lax on posting to the blog; I’ve found lots of interesting and useful material lately but haven’t had time to blog them–they’re usually on our Facebook group, though, and Kaja has been reposting some of these … Continue reading

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Some aural and visual delights to feed your Gothic needs …

Quite a few excellent sources have recently been posted on the OGOM Facebook page. For those of you who are not Facebookers, I thought I would collect them together for your delight, delectation, and education. Firstly there is this useful … Continue reading

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The Tragic, Forgotten History of Zombies

The Atlantic has published this is an incredibly thoughtful and interested article about the history of zombies, ‘The Tragic, Forgotten History of Zombies’. It’s well researched and effectively argued covering the relationship between George A. Romero’s undead films and the … Continue reading

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How Did I Choose Me My Witchcraft Kin? My Past and Future in Witches

‘My Nannie says I’m a child of sin. How did I choose me my witchcraft kin?’ (Waterhouse, ‘The Magic Circle’, 1886, thanks to Janette for this) I found myself in the north of England at the weekend for the Gothic … Continue reading

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Real-Life Vampires

In the run-up to Halloween there have been quite a few articles published on the subject of things that go bump in the night. This includes quite a few on the subject of real-life vampires: to be clear, these are … Continue reading

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The Vampire Craze in Popular Culture Isn’t Dead Yet

Time have just published an article informing us that ‘The Vampire Craze in Popular Culture Isn’t Dead Yet’. The article suggests that the growing popularity of zombies (and may I also include werewolves, witches and fairies here) has not entirely destroyed … Continue reading

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The 25 Best Horror Movies since 2000, A.V. Club

Here’s an intriguing list of the 25 Best Horror Movies since 2000 compiled by the A.V. Club. Now, I don’t watch much horror because I have a weak stomach, an over-active imagination, and a tendency for unpleasant imagery to sear … Continue reading

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