Category Archives: Critical thoughts

Retelling Fairy Tales: Little Red is Armed by the NRA

Here are some more recent fairy tale adaptations, for younger readers this time–thanks, once again, to the excellent Barnes & Noble blog (there is one for teen books and one for children). Fairy tales, of course, are never innocent; their … Continue reading

Posted in Critical thoughts, Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news | Tagged , , , , , | 5 Comments

Bram Stoker: The Disappearing Vampire at Dublin Writer’s Museum

When I found myself in Ireland over Easter I headed to the Dublin Writer’s Museum to look for material on Bram Stoker. The museum presents ‘the literary heritage left by writers of the past’ and it was established ‘to promote interest, … Continue reading

Posted in Critical thoughts, exhibitions, OGOM Research, Reviews | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

Fairy Tale Adaptation by Disney

An interesting little snippet here about Disney’s recent spate of fairy tale adaptations–the Grimms’ ‘Rose Red and Snow White being the latest, but with an intertextual twist that aligns it with the better-known ‘Snow White’. The writer also describes some … Continue reading

Posted in Critical thoughts, Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Re-imagining Fairy Tales

A favourite OGOM topic (well, for me anyway!) is the transformation of classic fairy tales into (mostly YA) paranormal romances and allied genres. Here, the bare motifs of the fairy tale are invigorated by giving novelistic flesh to the characters … Continue reading

Posted in Books and Articles, Critical thoughts, Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news, Reading Lists | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Generation Dead: The Shiver Workshop

This post is a little late (mainly due to the distractions of moving house and trying to teach myself basic plumbing skills alongside managing a PhD and moonlighting as a tour guide at Shakespeare’s Globe theatre) so apologies for my … Continue reading

Posted in Critical thoughts, Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

‘Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble’: Witches, Magic and Demons @TheJohnRylands

I have been blogging quite a lot lately about witches and magic books. I wrote on the Renaissance magician John Dee in ‘It’s a kind of Magic’ and offered some critical thoughts on ‘Sexualising the Witch’ in response to recent … Continue reading

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Stan Lee, Spiderman and Troubled Teen Protagonists

Today I happened to catch this excerpt from an interview with Stan Lee on BBC 5 live in which he was speaking about one of his most famous creations, Spider-Man. He was discussing the fact that when he first suggested Spider-Man … Continue reading

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Trends in YA paranormal fiction

While procrastinating the other day, I found myself browsing the recommendations that Amazon makes, following a chain of YA paranormal fiction. Three hours later, I recovered from my obsessive frenzy to find £260 worth of books in my basket. The … Continue reading

Posted in Critical thoughts, Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news | Tagged , , , , , | 7 Comments

Angela Carter, Fairytales and Adaptation

Yesterday morning I noticed that #UpdateAFairytale was trending on Twitter. Of course I jumped right on board and had a merry time thinking up increasingly bizarre possibilities for contemporary fairy tales. Cinderella as a feminist campaigner against modern day slavery, … Continue reading

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Paranormal Romance: Notes towards a definition II

Continuing my tentative exploration of the hybrid, shape-shifting nature of the genre of paranormal romance below, here’s an extract from my plenary talk at the Company of Wolves conference. I hope you find this interesting and helpful (there are references … Continue reading

Posted in Critical thoughts, Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments