Category Archives: Call for Articles

CFA: Speculative Vegetation: Plants in Science Fiction

Call for article for a collection edited by Katherine E. Bishop, Jerry Määttä, and David Higgins, Speculative Vegetation: Plants in Science Fiction (deadline 30 April 2017): This volume will be the first to investigate the importance of plants in science … Continue reading

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CFA: The Spaces and Places of Horror

Calls for articles in a collection edited by Francesco Pascuzzi, The Spaces and Places of Horror, deadline 15 April 2017. This volume aims to explore the complex, layered horizon of landscapes in horror film culture to unpack the use that … Continue reading

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CFP: C21 Literature: journal of 21st-century writings general issue

Articles on twenty-first century literature sought for the journal C21 Literature (deadline 1June 2017). There could be scope here for contemporary fantastic literature. C21 Literature aims to create a critical, discursive space for the promotion and exploration of 21st century … Continue reading

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Call for chapters: Pyrotechnics: The Incandescent Imagination of Angela Carter

Angela Carter is no stranger to these pages–she is crucial in giving literature of the fantastic/Gothic its subversive edge and in the transformation of genres that fuels much OGOM research. The editors of a forthcoming collection, Dr Charlotte Crofts (Associate … Continue reading

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CFP: Call for Articles: Victorian and Neo-Victorian Screen Adaptations

And following my last post on Steampunk and Neo-Victorianism, there’s a call here for articles in a collected volume on Victorian and Neo-Victorian Screen Adaptations.

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CFP: Special Issue on the Trickster, Marvels & Tales

CFP– Special Issue on the Trickster Subversive, deceptive, wily, and comical, the trickster spans national traditions, genres, and historical periods. Often represented as a deity, animal, or human, between upper and lower worlds, the trickster functions as the creator and … Continue reading

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CFA: Death in Supernatural (edited collection)

Just a few days left to respond to this call for articles here for an edited collection with Mcfarland on Death in Supernatural Editors Taylor and Nylander seek original essays for an edited collection exploring the the nature of death … Continue reading

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CFP: Edited collection on iZombie

I’ve not seen the TV series iZombie (nor the graphic novel on which it is based) but I’ve heard very enthusiastic reports on this new manifestation of the sympathetic zombie (of which one of our favourites, Daniel Waters’s Generation Dead … Continue reading

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CFP: Histories of Magic and Sexuality

We at OGOM, who have consorted frequently with vampires and other darkly seductive creatures, know how the equally mysterious powers of sex and magic are intimately related. Mackenzie Cooley, of Stanford University, is seeking short articles on magic and sexuality … Continue reading

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Growing Up with the Undead: Vampires in the 20th- and 21st-Century Literature, Films and Television for Young Children

The following CFP had been released on the subject of vampires in children’s literature: ‘Since Bram Stoker’s seminal vampire novel, Dracula, published in 1897, the figure of the vampire has been a persistent presence in Western popular culture. Though largely … Continue reading

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