CFPs: Hauntings, Southern Gothic, YA, fantasy, female Gothic, queer Arthuriana

Conference papers and articles for publication requested:

1. CFP: Hauntings Halloween Symposium, online, 30 October 2022. Deadline: 1 June 2022

The CFP is now live for our second annual Halloween Symposium! The theme this year is ‘hauntings’ and presentations on all aspects of the theme are encouraged.

2. CFPs: Southern Gothic Area/ Young Adult Popular Culture Area, Popular Culture/American Culture Association of the South 2022 Conference, 13-15 October 2022, New Orleans. Deadline: 1 June 2020

3. Articles: BFS Journal/ BFS Horizons, British Fantasy Society, Submission Guidelines

The BFS currently publishes two periodicals. BFS Horizons is a paperback journal of fiction, poetry and art. BFS Journal is now devoted to non-fiction: interviews, academic articles, reviews and features.

4. Articles: Three centuries of the literature of fear by women authors, Abusões. Deadline: 17 July 2022

Três séculos de literatura do medo de autoria feminina

Editoras: Ana Paula Araujo dos Santos (UERJ, Brasil); Ana Resende (UERJ, Brasil); Anna Faedrich (UFF, Brasil); Renata Philippov (UNIFESP, Brasil)

Submissões até 17 de julho de 2022; Publicado: 2022-04-12

Three centuries of the literature of fear by women authors

Editors: Ana Paula Araujo dos Santos (UERJ, Brazil); Ana Resende (UERJ, Brazil); Anna Faedrich (UFF, Brazil); Renata Philippov (UNIFESP, Brazil)

5. Articles: Queering Camelot: LGBTQIA+ Readings, Representations, and Retellings of Arthuriana, Fantastika Journal. Deadline: 28 August 2022

A sequel to the Queering Fantastika issue, this is an open call for papers for a special issue of Fantastika Journal which will explore the queer side of Arthurian tales, adaptations, and fan-works including any and all media, whether directly adapting or only alluding to Camelot and Grail narratives. This issue will present a multivalent approach and is seeking both critical and critical practice-based research on this subject.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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