CFA: Company of Wolves Publication (Reminder)

Just a gentle reminder from us about submitting articles for the Company of Wolves publications, which are due by 30 January. Please can you pay special attention to the formatting; if you have any questions about this, do ask. To clarify, endnotes should be used, in MHRA style; full references should be given as endnotes on the first citation with a short reference for subsequent citations; and a ‘Works Cited’ list should be provided.

This is from the original Call for Articles:

As promised, we are inviting you to recast your conference papers into essays. We will be publishing a ‘Company of Wolves’ edited book collection with Manchester University Press and a special issue of Gothic Studies.

First drafts (of 5000–7000 words, including endnotes but excluding works cited) should be submitted by 30 January 2016 as an email attachment in MS Word (12-point, Times New Roman, double-spaced) document format to both Dr Sam George,; and Dr Bill Hughes,

Please use UK spelling and punctuation and conform to the MHRA format, with endnotes and short-title references and a separate works cited section. Please use your surname as the document title. The abstract should be sent in the following format: (1) Title (2) Presenter(s) (3) Institutional affiliation (4) Email address (5) Abstract (6) Article/chapter.

In addition, as you may be writing on TV programmes, we advise this:

MHRA style does not specify exactly how episodes in TV series should be referenced; we have adopted the following convention:

Initial references should follow this style: title of the specific programme, if there is one, in single quotation marks; writer and director; the title of the series in italics; series creator (where relevant); season and episode numbers; broadcaster; date of first transmission. Further details can be included if the programme has appeared in DVD format. For example:

‘Once More with Feeling’, dir. and writ. Joss Whedon, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, created Joss Whedon, 3.5, UPN, 30 October 2001 [on DVD: Fox, 2007].

Subsequent references should appear as:

‘Once More with Feeling’

We wish you all a wonderful Christmas!

Bill, Sam, and Kaja

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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