The Difference between British and American Children’s Fiction

I read this article, ‘Why the British Tell Better Children’s Stories’, yesterday and found it very intriguing. Don’t be misled by the title, though the author of the article compares American and British children’s literature, they don’t make a definitive comment about ‘which is better’ (thankfully). Like many articles of this nature there are some broad assumptions but it is an interesting starting point to compare the two. This is one of the few online articles where the comments are, currently, measured and engaged with the article. It’s definitely an interesting topic for discussion over a few drinks (or in the comments section below).

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2 Responses to The Difference between British and American Children’s Fiction

  1. Daryl Wor says:

    “This is one of the few online articles where the comments are, currently, measured and engaged with the article.” Hee hee hee! That put a smile in my day. So true!

    • firekrank says:

      You’re welcome. It’s so true though – the area under the main article often descends into a war zone. And with the invocation of national pride in the title of the article, I thought it might get messy. Clearly literary types are relatively refined (and hopefully I haven’t spoken too soon).

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