Angela Carter

Angela Carter’s stylish, erotic, often witty transformations of classic fairy tales are a central point of interest for those who study contemporary Gothic, and paranormal romance in particular (where motifs and plots from fairy tale are often metamorphosed in ways that Carter pioneered). And her tale ‘The Company of Wolves’, with its subsequent filmic adaptation by Neil Jordan, gives OGOM the title of our forthcoming September conference, of course (and Neil will be speaking at the conference). Carter is, I would claim, one of the most important writers of the twentieth century, so the following links should prove both useful and fascinating.

First, there is a compelling interview with Carter from the BBC archives, where she talks about ‘the impact of Britishness, politics and the oral tradition on her bawdy and subversive writing’.

Then an article by Cate Fricke, ‘Angela Carter at 75: Reopening The Bloody Chamber on the new 75th-anniversary Penguin edition of Carter’s collection of tales, The Bloody Chamber.

And Kelly Link, who introduces the new edition, discusses the work in ‘The Shadow of the Real’.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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3 Responses to Angela Carter

  1. crfricke says:

    Hey there, I wrote the blog post you linked to above; I’m Cate Fricke. Laura Miller writes for Salon. I linked to an article of hers in the post, but I’m not her. Thanks for sharing the link, though!

  2. Pingback: Inside the Bloody Chamber at OGOM Company of Wolves | Open Graves, Open Minds

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