CFP ‘Ill met by moonlight’: Gothic Encounters with Enchantment and the Fairy Realm in Literature and Culture, 8-10 April, 2021

University of Hertfordshire, 8‒10 April 2021

John Anster Fitzgerald (1832-1906), Fairies Looking Through a Gothic Arch

The Open Graves, Open Minds (OGOM) Project was launched in 2010 with the Vampires and the Undead in Modern Culture conference.We have subsequently  hosted symposia on Bram Stoker and John William Polidori, unearthing depictions of the vampire in literature, art, and other media, before embracing shapeshifting creatures and other supernatural beings and their worlds. The Company of Wolves, our ground-breaking werewolf and feral humans conference, took place in 2015. This was followed by The Urban Weird, a folkloric collaboration with Supernatural Cities in 2017. The OGOM Project now extends to all narratives of the fantastic, the folkloric, the fabulous, and the magical. 

Our research from these conferences and symposia has since been disseminated in various publications. We have produced two edited collections of essays: Open Graves, Open Minds: Representations of Vampires and the Undead from the Enlightenment to the Present Day (Manchester University Press, 2013) and In the Company of Wolves: Werewolves, Wolves, and Wild Children, ed. by Sam George and Bill Hughes (Manchester University Press, 2020) and two special issues of Gothic Studies: Vampires and the Undead in Modern Culture special issue, 15.1 (May 2013) and Werewolves and Wildness special issue, 21.1 (Spring 2019).

To celebrate the tenth anniversary of OGOM, we turn our attention to fairies and other creatures from the realm of Faerie.

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Diane Purkiss (University of Oxford), ‘Where Do Fairies Come From? Shifts in Shape’

Prof. Dale Townshend (Manchester Metropolitan University), “The fairy kind of writing’:  Gothic and the Aesthetics of Enchantment in the Long Eighteenth Century’

Prof. Catherine Spooner (University of Lancaster), ‘Glamourie: Fairies and Fashion’

Prof. Owen Davies (University of Hertfordshire), ‘Print Grimoires, Spirit Conjuration, and the Democratisation of Learned Magic’

Dr Sam George (OGOM University of Hertfordshire), ‘Fairy Lepidoptera: the Dark History of Butterfly-Winged Fae’

The conference will also feature A Fairy Workshop on networking and outreach in the field of folklore studies for postgraduate students and ECRS with Dr Ceri Holbrook (Magical Folk, 2018) and a mini Fairy Film Festival in St Albans. And, to complete the anniversary celebrations, there will be A Fairy Ball where delegates will be encouraged to abandon their human natures and transform into their dark fey Other.

As Prof. Dale Townsend has observed, the concept of the Gothic has had an association with fairies from its inception; even before Walpole’s 1764 Castle of Otranto (considered the first Gothic novel), eighteenth-century poetics talked of ‘the fairy kind of writing’ which, for Addison, ‘raise a pleasing kind of Horrour in the Mind of the Reader’ and ‘and favour those secret Terrours and Apprehensions to which the Mind of Man is naturally subject’. Johnson, in his Preface to Shakespeare (1765), talks of ‘the loves of Theseus and Hippolyta combined with the Gothic mythology of fairies’. ‘Horror’ and ‘terror’ are key terms of affect in Gothic criticism; Townsend urges us, however, to move away from this dichotomy. While we are certainly interested in the darker aspects of fairies and the fear they may induce, this conference also welcomes attention to that aspect of Gothic that invokes wonder and enchantment.

Fairies in folklore, unlike the prettified creatures we are familiar with, are always rather dangerous. Old ballads such as ‘Tam Lyn’ and ‘The Demon Lover’ reveal their unsettling side. The darker aspects of fairies and their kin may be glimpsed in the early modern work of Michael Drayton, Edmund Spenser, Robert Herrick, and, of course, Shakespeare. They have found their way into the Romanticism of Keats and Shelley, modulated by the Gothic. Fairies blossomed in the art and literature of the Victorians; though it is here perhaps that they are most sentimentalised, there is also much darkness. The paintings of Richard Dadd and John Anster Fitzgerald are tinged with Gothic as are classic works of fairy literature such as Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market and J. M. Barrie’s Peter Pan. The nineteenth century also saw a surge in the dramatisation of fairies with the féerie (or ‘fairy play’), which set the scene for fairy ballets such as Les Sylphides as well as cinematic productions. Following the rise of the vampire lover in contemporary paranormal romance, dark fairies (alongside pixies, trolls, and similar creatures from the world of Faerie) have also been found in the arms and beds of humans. The original menace of traditional Faerie has been restored in the form of ambivalently sinister love objects. This has emerged from precursors such as Hope Mirrlees’s Lud-in-the-Mist (1926), Sylvia Townsend Warner’s Kingdoms of Elfin tales from the 1970s and the pioneering urban fantasy of Emma Bull’s War for the Oaks (1987), to more recent works like Neil Gaiman’s Stardust (1997) and Elizabeth Hand’s Mortal Love (2004). Young Adult writers such as Holly Black, Maggie Stiefvater, Julie Kagawa, Melissa Marr have all written fairy romances with more than a tinge of Gothic darkness and there are excellent adult paranormal fairy romances such as Jeanette Ng’s Under the Pendulum Sun (2017). Gothic Faery has manifested in other media: Gaiman’s Stardust has been filmed; cinematic interpretations of the phenomenon of the Cottingley Fairies have been made (with Photographing Fairies giving it a Gothic twist), and, recently, the dark fairies of Carnival Row have appeared on TV.

Max Weber and, subsequently, the Frankfurt School discerned a state of disenchantment in modernity, whereby industrialisation and instrumental rationality had erased the sense of the sacred in life with ambiguous effects. The appeal of fairy narratives in the modern era may be their power to re-enchant our desacralised world. Fairy narratives in the alienated world of modernity often represent untamed nature and lead us to explore environmental concerns. The Land of Faerie, Tir na Nog, the Otherworld can be a setting for Utopia. These tales may also uncover the repressed desires of inner nature, emancipatory yearnings, the spirit of revolution, creative inspiration, pure chaos, or Otherness in general. Yet often this is ambivalent; the Gothic darkness of enchantment may evoke a hesitancy over surrendering to nature or the irrational as well as having a restorative allure.

Topics may include but are not restricted to:

‘The fairy kind of writing’ in 18C Gothic poetics

The Gothic fairy in Romanticism; Victorian fairies in art and literature

Dark fairies in paranormal romance

Fairies in YA literature

Fairies and urban fantasy

Fairies in ballads and medieval romance

Fairies on stage

Fairies in music

Faery, disenchantment, and modernity

Fairy folklore

Fairies, nature, and eco-Gothic

Cinematic fairies and the Gothic; Fairies and place

Utopia and the Otherworld

Gothic folklore; Goblins, hobs, and other malevolent fairy folk

Intertextuality and fairy narratives

Fairies and theology

Fairies and (pseudo)science

Light and shade: fairies, film, and optics

Fairy morality

The Faerie world and the aesthetic dimension

Fairy festivals and the carnivalesque

Changelings and identity

Fairies and the Other

Fairies and fashion

Fairies and nationalism

Fairy-vampires and other hybrids

Steampunk Fairies

Abstracts (200-300 words) for twenty-minute papers or proposals for panels, together with a short biography (150 words), should be submitted by 30 October 2020 as an email attachment in MS Word document format to all of the following:

Dr Sam George,; Dr Bill Hughes,; Dr Kaja Franck,; Daisy Butcher,

Please use your surname as the document title. The abstract should be in the following format: (1) Title (2) Presenter(s) (3) Institutional affiliation (4) Email (5) Abstract.

Panel proposals should include (1) Title of the panel (2) Name and contact information of the chair (3) Abstracts of the presenters.

Presenters will have the opportunity to submit to OGOM publications. They will be notified of acceptance for the conference by 30 November 2020.

*Download CFP as PDF* Follow us on Twitter @OGOMProject #GothicFairies

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Vampires, werewolves, and Jane Austen

I am being interviewed here by Brian from Toothpickings. I talk about vampires and werewolves, the folklore of these creatures and its transmutation into literature. I also make some very tenuous links between this, the Enlightenment, Jane Austen and paranormal romance. We discuss OGOM’s latest publication, In the Company of Wolves: Werewolves, Wolves, and Wild Children and I give some details of Sam’s ‘Reading the Vampire’ MA module, soon to be available on line.

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Welcome to Gothic Spring

Remedios Varo, Primavera, Las Cuatro Estaciones [Spring, the Four Seasons] (1943)

‘We live in Gothic times’, said Angela Carter. Gothic narratives are one powerful way of facing oppressive darkness. But the fantastic mode in general can also reveal utopian possibilities, new worlds beyond the darkness. We are living through a bleak period; OGOM has always been fascinated by the dialectic between shadows and illumination in fabulous narratives and we hope, despite the current crisis, to keep on exploring those pathways and sharing our research – here on this website and on OGOM Twitter (where we have started the #GothicSpring hashtag), and other media.

Unfortunately, as with everyone else, we have had to postpone some activities. The Dark Side of the Fae symposium, where Sam was due to talk on Fairy Lepidoptera, has sadly been cancelled but the event will happen at a later date. Our popular Gothic Tours of St Albans are cancelled for the time being – but they’ll be back. And, despite everything, we are still planning a major OGOM Conference for next spring – we are still working on the details, but start dreaming of Gothic fairies! We are hoping to participate in the nationwide Being Human – New Worlds Festival in November. And we are also working on further OGOM publications.

We at OGOM – Sam, Bill, Kaja, and Daisy – hope you are safe and well during these dreadful times and hope that a new life will blossom soon from out of these days of gloom.

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‘Fairy Lepidoptera’ at The Dark Side of the Fae: A Fairy Symposium, 30-31 May, 2020

I am delighted to announce that I will be speaking at a two-day symposium on fairy folklore organised by Holly Elsdon at the Centre for Folklore, Myth and Magic in Todmorden in May. You can see a brief glimpse of the line up below. The venue is Todmorden Town Hall and the Golden Lion for the evening events. Tickets are on sale now via . Twitter @CentreMyth

‘Titania’, John Simons, 1866

The title of my talk and an abstract is given below:

Dr Sam George –  ‘Fairy Lepidoptera: the Dark History of Butterfly-Winged Fae’

Today, fairies are often viewed as benevolent nature spirits, a consolation for modernity or the loss of wild environments, but this has not always been the case. In 1887, Lady Wilde gave voice to the Irish belief that fairies are the fallen angels, cast out of heaven. Fascinated by angels, ghosts, and vampires, Victorians, then Edwardians, saw fairies as souls of the dead. In an age of widespread religious doubt, thought turned to the persistence of the dead and to occult methods of communicating with them, and, rather than dispelling fairies, memories of the dead in WWI heightened a belief in airy spirits and spirit photography. 

It was in this climate that the Cottingley fairy photographs emerged in 1917. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s defence of them was influenced by Theosophical views of fairies as evidence of a shadowy spirit world. Dell-dwelling and butterfly-winged, the Cottingley fairies were important too because they seemingly confirmed that fairies were allied to the Lepidoptera or butterfly order (an idea that became an established part of Theosophical thought).  

Thomas Stothard’s 1798 illustrations to The Rape of the Lock are reputedly the first to give fairies butterfly wings, establishing a convention. Stothard’s images appear to be derived from putti but he followed his textual source in placing his insect-winged sprites halfway between angels (disembodied) and fairies (embodied). Such butterfly-winged fae provide another link to fairies as spirits of the dead. The butterfly is thought to be the shape assumed by the soul when it leaves the body during sleep or at death. In Joseph Noel Paton’s The Pursuit of Pleasure: A Vision of Human Life (1885), the daughter of Cupid and Psyche, is represented by a fairy with butterfly wings.

Joseph Noel Paton, ‘The Pursuit of Pleasure’, 1885

Representations of fairies shift from disembodied angels to manifestations as insectile Lepidoptera and shadowy spirits of the dead. In tracing this history, I anticipate ways of thinking about fairies in the present in narratives such as Carnival Row (2019). Here the fae’s insect wings and delicate beauty mask their dark history as fallen and endangered descendants of the Tuatha de Danann (taking us back to Lady Wilde’s accounts).

Carnival Row (2019)
Amelia Jane Murray ‘Fairy Standing on a Moth’
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Company of Wolves Book Launch, The Odyssey Cinema 29 February, 2020. A Roaring Success.

Event in lights at The Odyssey

OGOM would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who found themselves in the company of wolves at our book launch for Werewolves, Wolves and Wild Children at the Odyssey Cinema, St Albans on 29 February. The book sales were off the scale and just look at the werewolf cake – probably the most awesome cake you are likely to see. Kaja really excelled in delivering this beast – woo hoo!

OGOM werewolf cake

I was honoured to be invited to introduce Neil Jordan’s Company of Wolves film prior to the book launch. You can read a transcript of my intro here.

poster advertising event

Our presentation on the book followed the screening in the auditorium. My half was on the OGOM project, the werewolf conference that had inspired the book, and my own research on wolf children, or children raised by wolves, for the chapter ‘When Wolves Cry: wolf children, story telling and the state of nature’ .

Bill then presented on the narrative of the book and the individual chapters and contributors. The book itself is a beauty not a beast we think you will agree!

After that it was time for the audience to release their inner werewolf and then on with the book signing and cake….

Book stall care of MUP
Matthew Frost our legendary editor from MUP
Matthew and his moustache showcase the cake

We’d like to thank everyone who made this book possible – all the contributors, and Matthew Frost and his team at Manchester University Press. Thanks to Kaja for organising the fabulous cake. And thanks also to the Odyssey Cinema for helping us celebrate this event: that’s Anna Shepherd, Christian Willis, Ben, and all the other staff. Thanks also to the press office at the University of Hertfordshire, Victoria Bristow and Ellie Spear. Also the UH Research Office for their support. Finally, Dr Rowland Hughes and Tara Stebnickey for helping with our impact case study and for making this and our wider project on redeeming the wolf a roaring success.

Kaja looking wolfish – love the ears!

In the build up to the launch and during it we used the hashtag #InTheCompanyofWolves you can view our Twitter ‘moment’ with all our posts and images here.

We were pleased that the launch event picked up some local coverage and was so well attended (over 150 tickets sold). You can browse some of the press stories below:

Herts Advertiser:

University of Hertfordshire News:

Welwyn and Hatfield Times, ‘Movie screening at wolves book launch’, 19 February 2020

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Unleash Your Inner Werewolf 29 Feb

February is said to be ‘Otsaila’ – ‘month of the wolf’; on 29 February we are inviting you to join us for a special event to celebrate ten years of the Open Graves, Open Minds project and to launch our new book In the Company of Wolves: Werewolves, Wolves and Wild Children.  This exclusive launch is taking place at the Odyssey Cinema, St Albans.  The book will be available at 50% discount for one night only.

Cover of In the Company of Wolves book

We will be showing Company of Wolves, a British Gothic fantasy horror directed by Neil Jordan, based on Angela Carter’s lycanthropic reworkings of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, and starring Sarah Patterson, Angela Lansbury, Stephen Rea, and David Warner.

Following this there will be an exclusive preview and presentation in the auditorium on our new book and a signing session.  We’ll also be inviting you to stay for a few drinks and enjoy our celebratory wolf-themed cake. Woo hoo!!  

To join in the celebrations and unleash your inner werewolf you can book via this link 

‘Never stray from the path, never eat a windfall apple, and never trust a man whose eyebrows meet in the middle’ (Angela Carter).

The book developed from our Company of Wolves Conference you can view the impressive programme here  

To find out just why it was so special have a look at some of these wonderful news stories:

 Werewolf Conference

University to Host International Werewolf Conference

Academics Shine A Light on Folkloric Shapeshifters

The book launch too is starting to attract media interest (below). Don’t miss out on a chance to celebrate with us on 29 Feb.

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A Fairy Symposium, 30th-31st May, Todmorden

cemetery fairy

I am delighted to announce that I will be a guest speaker at The Dark Side of the Fae: A Fairy Symposium, Todmorden Town Hall, 30th-31st May. The title of my talk will be ‘Fairy Lepidoptera: the Dark History of Butterfly-Winged Fae’. Save the Date!! Further details can be obtained from Holly Elsdon:

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Amazing offer! 50% or more discount on In the Company of Wolves book

We’ve been posting about the book launch for OGOM’s latest publication, In the Company of Wolves: Wolves, Werewolves, and Wild Children. If you attend the book launch, you will be able to buy the book at 50% discount (possibly more–it’s still being discussed!). The book launch (more details here) is 29 February 2020 at the fabulous Art Deco cinema, The Odyssey in St Albans and you need to book here for the event. As part of the launch, where you will be able to meet some of the contributors to this excellent collection of essays, Neil Jordan’s 1984 film The Company of Wolves will be shown (based on Angela Carter’s wonderful ‘Red Riding Hood’/werewolf tales).

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In the Company of Wolves – Book Launch and Film Screening 29 February 2020

Friends and Colleagues,

You are cordially invited to a special event to celebrate ten years of the Open Graves, Open Minds project and to launch our new book In the Company of Wolves: Werewolves, Wolves and Wild Children. 

In the Company of Wolves presents further research from the Open Graves, Open Minds Project. It connects together innovative research from a variety of perspectives on the cultural significance of wolves, wild children, and werewolves as portrayed in different media and genres.

We begin with the wolf itself as it has been interpreted as a cultural symbol and how it figures in contemporary debates about wilderness and nature. Alongside this, we consider eighteenth-century debates about wild children ­- often thought to have been raised by wolves and other animals – and their role in key questions about the origins of language and society. The collection continues with essays on werewolves and other shapeshifters as depicted in folk tales, literature, film and TV, concluding with the transition from animal to human in contemporary art, poetry and fashion.

werewolf gargoyle

This exclusive launch is taking place at the Odyssey Cinema in St Albans. We will be showing Company of Wolves, a British Gothic fantasy horror directed by Neil Jordan, based on Angela Carter’s lycanthropic reworkings of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, and starring Sarah Patterson, Angela Lansbury, Stephen Rea, and David Warner. Following this there will be a special presentation in the auditorium on our new book and a book signing in the foyer.  We’ll also be inviting you to stay for a few drinks and enjoy our celebratory wolf-themed cake.  You can view the event and book via this link Woo Hoo!

‘Never stray from the path, never eat a windfall apple, and never trust a man whose eyebrows meet in the middle.’ (Angela Carter)

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CFP – Special issue of Revenant Apocalyptic Waste: Studies in Environmental Threat and Nightmare Spaces

Call for Papers: Special issue of Revenant (

Apocalyptic Waste: Studies in Environmental Threat and Nightmare Spaces

Deadline for Abstract Submissions: January 31st 2020

Contact E-mail:

Guest Editors: Matt Crofts and Layla Hendow, University of Hull.

The post-apocalyptic wasteland holds a powerful symbolic status within the popular imagination. Ravaged by infection, invasion, the supernatural or environmental disaster, the imagery of a deserted and hostile landscape rose to prominence during the Cold War and has remained a fertile source of horror ever since. The wasteland is a nightmare; a repository for a loose collection of fears centred on man’s tendency toward self-destruction and savagery. The future this fiction espouses makes mankind all revenants; a species that should be extinct still clinging to life, battling with the return of its own mistakes. This concept of a hostile relationship between humanity and the environment unites post-apocalyptic fiction and contemporary discourses of waste management; the vision of a ransacked earth is offered as a warning for readers and polluters alike.

‘Apocalyptic Waste’ adopts an interdisciplinary approach, exploring how both pressing environmental issues and diverse cultural outputs converge on the wasteland as a nightmare. Spaces of waste, be they dumps of literal rubbish or the remains of civilization, act as a sublime setting that prompts a powerful emotional response. That abandoned buildings, graveyards and other places associated with dead bodies, and even waste management sites have all been linked to supernatural occurrences is further evidence of this strong reaction. Landfill sites produce a strong reaction of their own – ‘not in my back yard’ (NIMBY) psychology attitudes restrict new wastelands, just as the need for such spaces dictates their creation. Spaces like ‘The Great Pacific Garbage Patch’ sound like settings of dystopian fiction but are a pressing example of the damage human production causes. The nightmarish threats of horror wastelands are perhaps only as terrifying as the transformation of the environment itself.

This special issue showcases current approaches towards how waste and waste production has a transformative effect on landscape, and how and why wastelands prove to be an effective locale for Gothic, supernatural and horror texts of all kinds. We invite scholarly submissions that examine any aspect of waste or wastelands in literature, film, television, graphic novels, video games, or other media. We also welcome creative pieces that engage with the subjects of this issue. These topics could include, but aren’t limited to:

  • The wasteland as a Gothic, sublime setting – what makes it an effective locale for horror
  • The supernatural and waste – waste sites as haunted (literally or figuratively)
  • Landfills and dumps as waste spaces
  • Post-apocalyptic novels, films or games
  • Texts that confront environmental issues such as overpopulation
  • The threat posed by excessive production
  • The geography of waste, marginalisation and repression of waste
  • The human body as a resource; one that can be recycled
  • Environmental disasters, ‘cli-fi’ fiction, or the different type of threat posed by ‘slow violence’
  • Waste and pollution – the creation of fear, abjection, NIMBY
  • ‘Resource fiction’ or ‘Petro-fiction’ – scarcity versus abundance
  • Eco-Gothic, Eco-critical, or other theoretical approaches, on waste
  • Class, gender, age, race/ethnicity perspectives on waste, recycling, pollution, post-apocalypse
  • Creative pieces (fiction, poetry, reflective accounts or artwork) that engages with any of the above

For articles and creative pieces (such as poetry, short stories, flash fiction, videos, artwork and music) please send a 500-word abstract and a short biography by January 31st, 2020. If your abstract is accepted, the full article (maximum 7000 words, including Harvard referencing) and the full creative piece (maximum 5000 words) will be due May 29th, 2020. The aim is to publish in Autumn 2020. Reviews of books, films, games, events, and art related to the waste and apocalyptic landscapes will be considered (800-1,000 words in length). Please send full details of the title and medium you would like to review as soon as possible. Further information, including Submission Guidelines, are available at the journal website: Inquiries are welcome and, along with all submissions, should be directed to and If emailing the journal directly at please quote ‘waste special issue’ in the subject box.

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