The Open Graves, Open Minds Project began by unearthing depictions of the vampire and the undead in literature, art, and other media, then embraced werewolves (and representations of wolves and wild children), fairies, and other supernatural beings and their worlds. The Project extends to all narratives of the fantastic, the folkloric, and the magical, emphasising that sense of Gothic as enchantment rather than simply horror. Through this, OGOM is articulating an ethical Gothic, cultivating moral agency and creating empathy for the marginalised, monstrous or othered, including the disenchanted natural world.
Nick Lane’s adaptation of Dracula preserves the eerie essence of Bram Stoker’s classic while adding a fresh, contemporary twist. The promotional blurb promises that ‘as a new shadow looms large over England, a small group of young men and women, led by Professor Van Helsing, are plunged into an epic struggle for survival’, and Lane delivers on this atmospheric promise with a gripping performance. The show is recommended for age 12+, which is an accurate rating as the horror is implicit throughout the production. The show is a digestible length at 150 minutes (including the interval).
Exactly one hundred years ago, at Derby’s old Grand Theatre, Dracula strode onto the stage for the first time. The venue closed in 1950, so the character outlived his theatrical birthplace. Blackeyed Theatre is on tour with a new version of Dracula to mark the centenary. The theatre group offer a vastly different Count Dracula to Hamilton Deane’s original. Nick Lane offers something new by dispensing with the dinner suit and opera cloak as well as the fangs made famous by Christopher Lee. This production adheres to the standard style of the Blackeyed Theatre, the emphasis being on words instead of action, but it is still imaginative, with a strong and passionate cast.
The play is structured in two acts. Act One unfolds from Jonathan Harker’s perspective, offering a glimpse into the harrowing events as seen through his eyes. Act Two then circles back to the beginning of the story, this time immersing the audience in Renfield’s point of view. Both acts stay true to the epistolary format of Stoker’s novel, maintaining the original structure while providing a fresh narrative lens that adds depth to the characters and the story. Lane’s adaptation strikes a brilliant balance between honouring the classic source material and giving it a dynamic, modern edge. Nick Lane recreates the de-ageing process by having three progressively younger actors playing the Count. This works well to an extent, but it does result in a loss of the fear factor for the Count, as with each character change we are somewhat taken out of the action in having to get used to a new actor playing the Count.
In spite of these shortcomings, there is still much to admire about the production. The six actors (Maya-Nika Bewley, David Chafer, Richard Keightley, Pelé Kelland-Beau, Marie Osman and Harry Rundle) play multiple roles, moving effortlessly from one character to another. They also take it in turns to be narrators as they relate the story through letters, diary entries and newspaper articles. Osman is outstanding with a thrilling display as Lucy Westenra, being transformed from an independent, modern-thinking woman into a possessed vampire whose charms have to be resisted.
It has been said that each era produces the monster it needs. This is very much the case here. Nick Lane’s monster, as a product of social mores, is in many ways similar to Vecna from the Duffer Brothers’ Stranger Things. Apparently, the monster that this generation needs is capable of breaking human bodies just by using mind power. Nick Lane explained in an interview that he ‘wanted to explore the idea that there is a more complex side to the human struggle against vampyrism’. Lane’s production attempts to explain what is happening biologically to the humans after the vampire attacks. Blood is drawn from the neck, but it is an exchange of fluids that takes over the victim’s personality. Since the first vampire attack occurs an hour into the production, the audience is subjected to a long-winded revelation of the human battle against vampirism. To Lane’s credit, he does give Dracula the voice that he lacks in the novel. If you enjoy productions that are politically correct and cast actors of a different gender or skin colour, then this certainly does so. Nick Lane casts a black woman to play both Lucy and Renfield. This is a positive step, but I would argue that Lane would have done better to create entirely fresh characters and consider writing from the vampire’s point of view. I enjoyed the atmospheric nature of the production, but it did feel rather long-winded in the first act. It held my attention admirably, but it could have benefitted from more ‘bite’. It could be described as Dracula for Academics.
(Jane Gill is a doctoral student at the University of Hertfordshire. Her PhD examines the monstrous feminine in nineteenth-century literature from an eco-Gothic perspective.)
Congratulations to OGOM member Daisy Butcher who passed her viva on Friday. Daisy’s project was praised by the examiners for being a great read and something of a page turner – its originality and rigour was very much in evidence. From a supervisor’s point of view the thesis: ‘Monsters of (In)fertility: The Plant Woman and the Female Mummy in Victorian Gothic Literature’ was a joy. The examiners saw an original & important book in the making and we are all looking forward to this becoming a reality in the near future.
Thanks to Dr Rowland Hughes and Professor Ruth Heholt for examining the thesis.
Daisy will be staying with OGOM and we are pleased to say that she will be co-hosting the online provision of our Sea Changes Conference on mermaids and enchanted hybrids in September. We will be supporting Daisy in a conference on Botanical Gothic in the near future too (a chance to hear her talk on her famous fleur fatales). Gothtastic! You are a star Daisy!
Northumbria University, UK; 29-30 May 2025 Deadline: 14 March 2025
The event seeks to explore areas and approaches that have not yet been adequately accounted for or represented in the field, encompassing (but not limited to):
The diversity of perspectives, identities, and voices that comprise Horror Studies and horror production
Independent horror production, alternative histories, and horror produced outside of Europe and North America
The field’s methodological richness, including archival approaches, audience research, practice-based research, and new theoretical perspectives
The breadth of cultural perspectives that inform Horror Studies and horror media
Papers that address horror in all its media forms including games, film, comics, music, social media, television, literature, art, and so forth
Deborah Hyde, Writer and Folklorist Greenwich Skeptics in the Pub; The Duke of Greenwich91 Colomb St, Greenwich, SE10 9EZ; 19:30 19 March 2025
One of my favourite stories; a tale of eerie fae and close to OGOM’s current research into Gothic fairies.
Two children appeared in the harvest fields of twelfth-century East Anglia. They were wearing strange clothes, they didn’t speak English … and they were green. We would probably dismiss this as a story or strange imagining, except that there are two independent and reputable sources for the tale. What can we say today about this strange event? Were the people of Woolpit visited by the fairies?
In stories retold for generations, wondrous worlds and magnificent characters have defined the genre of European fairy tales with little recognition of a defining aspect – racism and racialised thinking. Within the classic tales of Giambattista Basile, Marie-Catherine d’Aulnoy, the Grimms, and Andrew and Nora Lang, Kimberly J. Lau teases apart and historicises the racialised themes and ideologies embedded within fairy tales spanning the early 17th to early 20th centuries. Lau provides a new framework for understanding European fairy tales in the milieux in which they were created, bringing distant and ethereal worlds back to earth. Free and open to all.
The Folklore Society Presidential Address 2025 by Prof. David Hopkin looks at traditional narratives of soldiers 16 September 2025 5:30 – 6:30pm GMT (Online)
Following my 2024 lecture on ‘The Sailor’s Tale’, in this address I look at another occupational group–soldiers–who were also associated with a specific genre of oral literature. Perhaps surprisingly, the fairytale was soldiers’ preferred genre of narrative, albeit of a particular kind. A shared fund of narratives circulated among soldiers of different European nations, well into the early twentieth century.
Looking at digitisation and digital tools in preserving folk traditions, and creating new ones 29 March 2025 9:30am – 5:30pm GMT (Online)
Following on from our ‘Digital Folklore’ conference in June 2024, we are holding a one-day online conference ‘Folklore and the Digital’, looking at the digitisation of folklore collections, large language models, digital tools in preserving folk traditions and creating new ones, social media and digital communities.
Sarah Covington turns to examples from Ireland to think in new ways about the relationship between history and folklore 17 June 2025 7 – 8:30pm GMT+1 (Online)
This talk will use the folklore of Ireland as a way to urge scholars and students to think in new ways about the relationship between history and folklore, and the how both could be transformed by more recent theoretical “turns.”
Tommy Kuusela, On Scandinavian legends and folk beliefs about changelings from court records, customs and rites, and memorates 6 May 2025 7 – 8:30pm GMT+1 (Online)
In this talk, I will look at stories of changelings from Scandinavia and concentrate on those that are not strictly folk legends, but rather stories that spring from everyday folk belief: including court records, customs and rites, and memorates. These cases make it clear that parents fully believed that their children had been changed. From these records we learn of acts that were meant to force counter exchanges, leading to charges of murder, superstition or witchcraft.
We have links to many affiliated websites (of key authors and academic groups, for example) and blogs, plus relevant journals on our home page and the Blog and Resources pages–we think you’ll find them very useful. We’ve just added links to Deborah Hyde’s page (she ‘wants to know why people believe in weird stuff’ – its’ a fascinating site for sceptics of the supernatural) and to the revamped (I really didn’t intend that!) site of The Association for the Study of Buffy+. There’s also a link to the brilliant bibliography for romance studies, the Romance Scholarship DB.
Happy New Year from OGOM to you all!! Sorry for the scarcity of posts but illness and workloads have taken their toll. But there are some exciting events for 2025 already in the world of the Gothic and fantastic, the folkloric and fabulous.
We’d also just like to remind you all about the OGOM publication, The Legacy of John Polidori: The Romantic vampire and its progeny, ed. by Sam George and Bill Hughes (Manchester University Press, 2024). I blogged about it here for MUP, where I talk about how special Polidori was in the rise of vampire fiction and the importance of his legacy.
This is an incredibly exciting new project involving the publication of the eight-volume The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Ann Radcliffe, edited by Michael Gamer and Angela Wright and an impressive editorial team; plus a conference, reading groups, and public lectures. I, for one, am thrilled, and looking forward to the conference!
Ann Radcliffe, Then and Now is a three-year AHRC-funded project that seeks to re-establish Ann Radcliffe (1764–1823) as a major figure in British literature of the late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth centuries, as well as to commemorate her as a pioneering writer whose influence is still of considerable cultural significance today.
This relaunch on 22 February 2025 at Trinity College, Dublin is another exciting project, invaluable especially for postgraduates and ECRs based in Ireland.
We are holding an in-person networking event on Saturday 22 February 2025, in the Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin. During this event, we will be re-launching the Irish Network for Gothic and Horror Studies (INGHS). The Network will be affiliated with the Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies.
This event will establish the network as an informal vehicle for promoting the work of Gothic and horror scholars (whether they be affiliated or independent) and creative practitioners from throughout the island of Ireland.
The British Library, London, UK, and online; 5–6 September 2025 Deadline: 7 February 2025
We’d first just like to remind you of OGOM’s next fabulous conference – the deadline for submissions is not that far away!
Mermaids, selkies, and other such hybrid aquatic creatures, especially their global equivalents, facilitate the interaction between humanity and nature (both inner and outer). In their Gothic aspect and engagement with darkness, they may adumbrate a re-enchantment of the disenchanted world (following Weber and Adorno); reconciliation with Otherness; and new relationships with the natural world. We are looking for presentations that look at narratives of merfolk and their kin in the light of their Gothic aspects and that highlight their connection with folklore, dwelling on the enchantment of their strange fluidity. We invite contributors to create a dialogue amidst these sea changes into something rich and strange.
University College Cork, Ireland, and on line (hybrid); 20–22 June 2025 Deadline: 31 January 2025
This looks a brilliant conference and the deadline is approaching fast!
How does folklore treat the instruments through which we sense—our eyes, ears, nose, skin, fingers, mouth, tongue…? What do tastes, smells and other sensory experiences mean in tradition? What happens when we are deprived of our senses, voluntarily or involuntarily? And what does folklore tell us when our senses stop making sense—experiences of things heard but not seen, seen but not heard? When must we, traditionally, refute the evidence of our senses? And of course what we ‘feel’ can be felt in more ways than one, through the heart for instance. Folklore is communication, but there are many ways to communicate: the kiss, the grip, the sign, the gesture… Can we talk about visual folklore, olfactory folklore, the touch or savour of folklore?
Manchester Metropolitan University, 25–27 June 2025 Deadline: 28 February 2025
Physical crossroads have long been sites where the human, divine and demonic were felt to converge and potent sites for magical, religious encounters, rituals of transformation, binding of undesirable spirits, siting of gallows and links to ancient cosmology. This conference also considers the crossroads as a space where the boundaries between differing spheres are negotiable, asking what it means to walk in the interdisciplinary pathways and cross currents of the Gothic.
LARCA (Université Paris Cité), CELIS (Université Clermont Auvergne); in collaboration with the International Vernon Lee Society Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, 8 Place Paul-Ricoeur, Paris; 18–19 September 2025 Deadline: 1 March 2025
The work of Vernon Lee (1856-1935), a cosmopolitan British author and essayist who was precociously European-minded, covers a vast field, from neo-Gothic fiction to travel writing, aesthetic theory, theater and political essays. This work establishes a particular dialogue with past and contemporary literary traditions, whether it be fantasy literature (Hauntings, 1890) or authors of the decadent movement such as Oscar Wilde, or even French authors (notably Théophile Gautier, with whom she shares an interest in the art of Antiquity).
But beyond this intertextual dimension, the reader is struck by the essential part played in her production by the discourse on art as a whole [. . .] to such an extent that some short stories are constructed in direct reference to specific paintings or musical pieces, [. . .]
We may therefore wonder to what extent the place given to other arts in Lee’s writings [. . .] results in the construction of truly intermedial aesthetics, which blends literary narrative devices with a broader aesthetics (pictorial and musical) that is evoked and implemented in the texts.
Hosted by Falmouth University, and co-sponsored by Northeastern University Falmouth University, UK; Wed 16th-Sat 19th July 2025 Deadline: 17 March 2025
This conference explores haunted modernities and spectral futures of all sorts. Looking back to the past as a haunted space and forward to the ‘spectres’ of the future, we want ‘Haunted Modernities’ to be indicative of wide open spaces and fruitful intersections in scholarship and practice. Whether work is hyper-local, global, or interstellar we welcome imaginative, creative, ethical, and diverse discussions from all disciplines and subject areas. As well as traditional papers, creative practice work is also invited in whatever form – written, film, audio, performance, exhibitions etc.
Romancing the Gothic On line; 23-24 August 2025 Deadline: 10 April 2025
In 1925, M R James published his final collection of ghostly tales: A Warning to the Curious and Other Ghost Stories. Often thought of as a writer of ‘ghost stories’, James’ works span a range of supernatural manifestations and generically sit on the cusp of the ghostly and weird. James’ name has become almost synonymous with the ghostly tale and many of his works have been adapted. This conference seeks to explore not only James’ work but also its legacy and it aims to put James’ work within the wider context of ghostly, supernatural and weird writing on both a national and international level. We therefore welcome papers on writers and artists from any historical period and any country.
Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland, and on line; 18–20 June 2025 Deadline: 10 February 2025
The coast is a region readily identified by its distinctive soundscapes. This conference – co-run by the Haunted Shores and Macabre Danse networks – invites contributions that attend to the wealth of gothic, weird, and uncanny media that explore and exploit the haunting potential of the coast’s unquiet atmospheres. [. . .] We welcome papers, panels, or workshops on anything relating to sound or hearing on the shore, in coastal waters, or inland coastal regions, from any time period, form, media, genre, or theoretical approach – including, but not limited to, the sonic gothic, coastal studies, adaptation, the blue humanities, ballet gothic, and more.
The Peer hat, Faraday Street, Manchester, UK; 1 February 2025
Music, poetry, and talks exploring the theme of the Holy Grail. This looks an exciting all-day event!
We live in dark times, facing down existential destruction from a bewildering array of angles. What solution is there to be found, short of accepting our fate and rejoicing into the dark, until the last fire has burnt out? Perhaps none. But what if the horror came not from the last dance, but from the possibility that there might be a greater call to a heavy responsibility? What if merely sitting back and watching as the world falls into night, is not our destiny? What if we are called to set out into that night in search of…something; in search of something unknowable and unprovable? This edition of the Manchester Folk Horror explores this idea. It is not a call to activism. It is a call to head forth into the utter unknown, with nothing so much as one’s soul at stake.
We can’t wait to welcome Virginia Feito to the shop to discussion her gruesomely brilliant new novel VICTORIAN PSYCHO, which probes the psyche of a bloodthirsty governess in Victorian England. Virginia will be in conversation with Xavier Aldana Reyes, a founder of the Manchester Centre for Gothic Studies.
John Clark, The Folklore Society, online talk; 19:00–20:30, 18 March 2025
The three butterfly-winged ‘dancing fairies’ in the first photograph taken by Elsie Wright and Frances Griffiths at Cottingley Beck in July 1917 were cut-outs based upon a drawing of fairies that had appeared in a book called Princess Mary’s Gift Book (1915). The drawing, by Claude Shepperson, was an illustration for a poem by distinguished poet Alfred Noyes ‘A spell for a fairy’.
Surprisingly, a mishmash of magic rituals Noyes describes, to summon fairies and make them visible, can be traced back to original spells in one of the ‘magical’ manuscripts of Elias Ashmole (1617–1692) in the Bodleian Library. Yet central to Noyes’s poem are concerns that are very much of his own time.
The immediate inspiration of Shepperson’s image of dancing fairies is also unexpected, lying not in contemporary ‘fairy’ depictions like those by Arthur Rackham, but apparently in another art form entirely.
And we also look at the career of the art-historian/occultist Fred Gettings who in the 1970s was the first to recognise the source of the Cottingley Fairies in Shepperson’s drawing.
A reminder that the Gothic Herts Reading Group will be discussing Poe’s The Raven this week in relation to ecophobia via ‘Deep Into That Darkness Peering‘ by Tom J. Hillard. The session is on Wed 10th December 2024 at 7.00 GMT time online. If you are interested in attending please email the organisers on to get a link and browse the website. The group is run by two of OGOM’s doctoral students, Jane Gill and Rebecca Greef. All are welcome. Do go along if you are a fan of Poe or just like all things gothicky. There’s a brilliant reading of ‘The Raven’ by Alan Rickman which is strongly recommended. Do listen!!
Sea changes: The fairytale Gothic of mermaids, selkies, and enchanted hybrids of ocean and river
Arthur Rackham, Illustration for A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Heinemann, 1908)
Venue: The British Library, London, UK (and online) Date: 5–6 September 2025
Full fathom five thy father lies; Of his bones are coral made; Those are pearls that were his eyes: Nothing of him that doth fade, But doth suffer a sea-change Into something rich and strange. Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell: Ding-dong. Hark! now I hear them,—ding-dong, bell.
(The Tempest, I. 2. 400–07)
Etruscan Siren 7thC BC from Necropolis of Strozzacapponi, Perugia
Fabulous, enchanted beings, hybridly human and other, populate the expanses of water of myth and folklore, whether oceans, rivers, and lakes or their boundaries. Such locations swarm with merfolk, nereids and other water nymphs, nixies, merrows, selkies, finfolk, kelpies, rusalkas. We want also, however, to give attention to and arouse discussion around their non-European counterparts: Mami Wata (West Africa), yawkyawk (Australia), iara (Brazil), ningyo (Japan), mondao (Zimbabwe), siyokoy (Philippines) and many more. All these beings are often alluring, frequently dangerous.
In the West, oceanic beings take the form of merfolk, haunting our seas and luring humans into the depths. Rivers and lakes swim with nymphs, nixies, kelpies, and more. In regions such as the Shetlands and Orkneys selkies – hybrids between seal and human – are found on the shorelines.
The fluidity of water itself mirrors the tendency for such beings to be themselves shifting and protean; their hybridity through metamorphosis is dynamic. It suggests the quality of those who are both terrestrial and aquatic, those conscious beings embodied in a fluid medium, the substance from wherein life itself originates.
Hybridity and genre
René Magritte, The Collective Invention (1934)
The hybrid form of the mermaid, both piscine and mammalian, corresponds to the liminal quality of where these beings are most frequently encountered – the ambivalent border between land and sea of the shoreline. Selkies, metamorphosing between seal and human, are in the traditional tales perhaps even more associated with the shore.
The hybridity of these creatures is easily accommodated by the hybridity of genres that contemporary narratives employ. For example, in Melanie Golding’s The Replacement (2023), selkie folklore encounters the procedural detective genre in an unsettlingly ambiguous way. The commingling of Gothic horror, folklore, and analytical crime thriller subverts the rationalist mode of the latter by generating the mode of the Fantastic. Here, the vulnerability of motherhood, outsider communities, and mental illness come into focus. More generic cross-fertilisation comes with the presence of mermaids in Gothic-tinged Neo-Victorian novels such as Imogen Hermes Gowar, The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock (2018), and Jess Kidd’s merrow fantasy, Things in Jars (2020).
There are mermaids in science fiction, which are often monstrous (thus involving horror and thriller genres): Mira Grant, Into the Drowning Deep (2017), for example, results in the scenario of humanity pitted against the aquatic as Otherness, but also revealing a nature wounded by instrumental reason in this climate change thriller, and an ambiguity about the centrality of the human. A recurring theme concerning communication plays against the absoluteness of the Other, too. The collapse of a love affair between two women, one a deep-sea explorer, is figured poignantly as SF with overtones of Cosmic Horror in Julia Armfield’s Our Wives Under the Sea (2022).
Dangerous seduction
John William Waterhouse, The Siren (1900)
The allure of the mermaid is most often dangerous. It is disruptive of social norms and even the natural coherence of the self and the boundaries between human and animal. This danger may be concealed in comic mode as in H. G. Well’s The Sea-Lady (1902) or the films with the enchanting Glynis Johns, Miranda (1948) and its sequel Mad About Men (1954). But this may also hold more inviting, enchanting prospects, including the pleasures and pitfalls of romantic fantasy, as from La Motte Fouqué’s Undine (1811) to the forlorn heroine of Andersen’s ‘The Little Mermaid’ (1837), then present-day paranormal romance. This latter genre frequently reworks Andersen’s tale. Related examples are the more gently innocuous Splash (1984), a Romcom with hints, like many of these works, of utopian freedom, and other romantic variants such as The Shape of Water (2017) (loosely based, like paranormal romance, on ‘Beauty and the Beast’ (1740). More sinister variants emerge such as Clemence Dane’s The Moon is Feminine (1938), even to overt horror like The Lure (2015). In a more sensational vein, there are many low-budget horror films where the mermaid is simply monstrous, as Mamula [Nymph] (2014).
In the early twentieth century, the darker, Gothic aspect appears in J. M. Barrie’s Peter Pan narratives. The mermaids represent death and oblivion. In the scene on Marooner’s Rock (a place where sailors were tied up and drowned), Wendy is dragged by her feet into the water by mermaids. For the first time Peter is afraid, a drum is beating within him, and it is saying ‘to die will be an awfully big adventure’.
The dangerously seductive sexuality of the mermaid is frequently associated with music – they sing with irresistible glamour, dance, or play the harp. In Thomas Moore’s ‘The origin of the harp’ from Irish Melodies (1845), the tragic sea maiden, singing under the sea for her lost lover, is transformed into a harp; there are associations with Irish Nationalism here. The harp as siren or mermaid is also explored in Henry Jones Thaddeus’s painting The Origin of the Harp of Elfin (1890). The harp is prominent in Scandinavian lore as the instrument of the Danish river spirit, the Neck (Nökke). He sits on the water and plays his golden harp, the harmony of which operates on all of nature.
The Lorelei is one famous incarnation of these sinister songstresses. In Kafka’s paradoxical tale, it is the silence of the Sirens that is dangerous. (The Sirens – who were originally birdlike – become identified with mermaids in the early Christian era; the overwhelming glamour of their song is notorious.) The piscine may also overlap with the serpentine as in the legend of Melusine; we are interested not just in mermaids and selkies but less-known creatures, especially the more monstrous such as kelpies, merrows and Jenny Greenteeth.
Avatars and adaptation
Edmund Dulac, The Little Mermaid, in Fairy Tales Told for Children (1837)
Mermaids and their kin are depicted in many ways, from medieval romance and the ballad to Romantic poetry (as in Thomas Moore) and beyond. They flourished in the Victorian period, too, with painting and the poetry of George Darley, Thomas Hood, Tennyson and Arnold. Thus, we are keen to hear from scholars of these periods, which produced some key mermaid narratives.
For example, Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Fisherman and His Soul’ (1891) is a complex working out of the conflicts of the spirit and the flesh, earth and heaven. The fisherman lives happily with the mermaid until his rejected soul returns. Corrupted without heart or conscience, it claims the fisherman’s life in a manner similar to Dorian Gray, written in the same year.
Adaptations, of folklore and of such archetypal tales as ‘The Little Mermaid’ are of especial interest. These might include sympathetic revisions of the monstrous Sea Witch from ‘The Little Mermaid’ (Sarah Henning, Sea Witch (2018)), along with the many reworkings and expansions of that tale itself, often as paranormal romance, usually with a contemporary feminist slant (for example, the YA novel Fathomless (2013) by Jackson Pearce, Christina Henry’s The Mermaid (2018) and Louise O’Neill’s The Surface Breaks (2018)). We would note the rich tradition of folkloric adaptation in Eastern European filmmaking, especially in animation (in particular, with ‘The Little Mermaid’); a gorgeous animated example is the Russian Rusalochka [The Little Mermaid] (1968).
Mermaids in art
Arnold Böcklin, Mermaids at Play (1886)
The mermaid is an enduring and widespread image in paintings from the classical period to the present. Mermaids appear in the work of Ancient Greek vase painters and medieval miniaturists, and in the paintings of Rubens and Raphael, Turner, and the Pre-Raphaelites (notably Burne-Jones and Waterhouse). They fascinated the symbolists (Moreau, Bocklin, Klimt) and surrealists (Magritte and Delvaux) alike and lurk in the enchanting book illustrations of Rackham’s Undine (1909) and Peter Pan (1906), Dulac’s The Little Mermaid (1911) and Heath-Robinson’s ‘Sultan and the Mer-Kid’ from Bill the Minder (1912).
In the nineteenth century, paintings (mainly by men) of sirens and mermaids were depicted as sexually alluring and predatory in contrast to the ‘ondines’, who were the cultured pearls of modern passive femininity (as shown in the paintings of Pierre Dupuis). Mermaids at Play is a series of orgiastic marine fantasies painted by Arnold Bocklin in the 1880s.
Edvard Munch, The Lady from the Sea (1896)
Mermaids in late Victorian art are murderous, preying on adventurers, fishermen, sailors and poets. Waterhouse showed a doomed sailor drowning under the haughty gaze of his seductress in The Siren (1900) whilst Edvard Munch’s The Lady from the Sea (1896) crawls threateningly towards us. The siren in Gustave Moreau’s The Poet and the Siren (1895) pushes the boy poet, who clamours for mercy, into the primal mud from which she emanates. In Burne-Jones’s The Depths of the Sea (1885) a mermaid with hypnotic eyes and a vampire’s mouth is carrying her male prey downwards into oblivion.
Freudian thought exposed the fish-tailed seductress as the personification of hidden desires of the sexually subconscious; the legacy of this is shown in the twentieth century, when the mermaid abandoned her marine habitat to re-emerge in the irrational dream settings of the surrealist imagination. Magritte’s stranded inverted mermaid, The Collective Invention (1934) humorously undermines the perverse eroticism of her original.
The global mermaid
Mama Wata poster
Not all of these beings originate in Europe and our colloquy will be much enriched by fishing off further shores. We seek to include explorations of global sea people in folklore and contemporary reworkings, such as Japanese ningyo, Mami Wata and Afro-Caribbean mermaids (Natasha Bowen, Skin of the Sea (2021) and Monique Roffey, The Mermaid of Black Conch: A Love Story (2020)). Many of these facilitate a postcolonial reading of the mermaid and kindred beings.
Ningyo by Tishan Hsu (born 1951)
Ningyō, 人魚 [human fish], have been part of Japanese myth since the year 619 ce (when they appeared in Nihonshoki in Osaka). Whilst the term Ningyō is often translated as mermaid, this is misleading as the Japanese term is not gendered and Ningyō are more varied in shape and often monstrous in appearance. When caught, these piscine-humanoid beings are treated as sacred objects, thought to bring good fortune and immortality. Ningyō fakes or grotesque caricatures appeared from the 1860s onwards. In his 1876 account, Nichols Belfield Denny recounts seeing the circus entrepreneur P. T. Barnum’s celebrated purchase (allegedly from Japanese sailors) which became known as the Fiji Mermaid.
Andersen’s ‘The Little Mermaid’ was translated into Japanese in the 1910s. Its popularity contributed to what Philip Hayward has termed the ‘mermaidisation of the Ningyō’ (evolving into western-like mermaids). In the twentieth century, Kurahashi Yumiko’s parodic rewriting of ‘The Little Mermaid’, translated as ‘A Mermaid’s Tears’, has led to comparisons with Angela Carter.
This global approach includes recent novels reworking ‘The Little Mermaid’ from a non-Western perspective, such as Rosa Guy, My Love, My Love: Or The Peasant Girl (1985), made into a Broadway musical. Thus, other media are of interest too – Dvorák’s opera Rusalka, drawing on Slavic folklore, stands out.
Statue of Selkie, Mikladalur, Faroe Islands
Selkie narratives tend to be more purely romantic and frequently tragic as are the original tales and ballads themselves. One early transformation of selkie folklore into novel is The Secret of Ron-Mor-Skerry by Rosalin K. Fry, filmed as The Secret of Roan Inish (1994), which draws on the selkie to explore feral children and animal parent narratives. Selkie novels often address feminist concerns as in Margo Lanagan’s Margo, The Brides of Rollrock Island (2013).
Both selkies and mermaids have been enlisted to dramatise the fluidity of the self, particularly with regard to sexuality and gender. Examples are Betsy Cornwell’s excellent YA selkie novel, Tides (2014) and Maggie Tokuda-Hall’s The Mermaid, the Witch and the Sea (2020). They have been taken up as a metaphor for transgender teens: ‘the secret me is a boy; he takes his girliness off like a sealskin’ (Rachael Plummer, ‘Selkie’ (2019)).
Many of these narratives place the love element foremost, allowing a space for female-centred erotic and gay romance; these forms flourish especially in the recent explosion of self-publishing and on-line texts.
These creatures facilitate the interaction between humanity and nature (both inner and outer). In their Gothic aspect and engagement with darkness, they may adumbrate a re-enchantment of the disenchanted world (following Weber and Adorno); reconciliation with Otherness; and new relationships with the natural world. We are looking for presentations that look at narratives of merfolk and their kin in the light of their Gothic aspects and that highlight their connection with folklore, dwelling on the enchantment of their strange fluidity. We invite contributors to create a dialogue amidst these sea changes into something rich and strange.
Keynote speakers
Prof. Catherine Spooner, Professor of Literature and Culture, Lancaster University; on mermaid ambiguity in new creative fiction
Dr Monique Roffey Trinidadian Novelist, Manchester Metropolitan University; as author of The Mermaid of Black Conch on Caribbean mermaids
Dr Sam George Associate Professor, University of Hertfordshire, Co-Convenor of the OGOM Project; on Japanese Ningyo: human-fish hybrids and the rise of the fake museum mermaid
Dr Katie Garner, Senior Lecturer in Nineteenth-Century Literature, University of St Andrews; on ‘Forging the Mermaid’ – Scottish mermaid project
Topics may include but are not restricted to
Aquatic beings and dis/re-enchantment
Liquid bodies and fluid sexuality
Scottish folklore and its aquatic inhabitants
Tragedy, comedy, and RomCom
The natural world and environmental issues
Global and postcolonial merfolk
Questions of ethics
Musicality and the Siren’s song
Film, TV, and new media
Adaptation of folklore and fiction
YA and children’s literature
Paranormal Romance
The Gothic and the monstrous in the depths
Hybrid bodies and genres
Kelpies and water-bulls, merrows and other less-known creatures of the depths
Relationships with the Other
Borders and shorelines
The merfolk of medieval Romance
Retellings of ‘The Little Mermaid’
Disneyfication of ‘The Little Mermaid’ and its controversies
Retellings of selkie stories
Blue Humanities and aquatic bodies
Destiny, agency, and biological determinism
Eastern European folklore, fiction, and film
Mami Wata and her kin
Aquatic dissolving of the self
Merfolk and selkie ballads
The mermaid in Victorian poetry and painting
Fake mermaids/sacred objects from the sea
In 1948, Ann Blyth was filming Mr Peabody and the Mermaid and Glenn Strange was filming Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein at nearby studios. They posed for this touching and humorous photograph in their costumes – a horror and fantasy classic!
Abstracts (200–300 words) for twenty-minute papers or proposals for panels, together with a short biography (150 words), should be submitted by 7 February 2025 as an email attachment in MS Word document format to
Please prefix the document title with your surname. The abstract should be in the following format: (1) Title (2) Presenter(s) (3) Institutional affiliation (4) Email (5) 5–10 keywords (6) Abstract.
Panel proposals should include (1) Title of the panel (2) Name and contact information of the chair (3) Abstracts of the presenters.
Please state whether you would prefer to present online or in person. Presenters will be notified of acceptance after the deadline has passed in 2025.
There will be an opportunity to submit your paper for our OGOM publications.
I am chairing the Literature Research Seminar at the University of Hertfordshire this year and our next session is continuing our theme of animal studies, following my presentation rat narratives and Pied Piper re-tellings in October. We meet once a month on Wednesday lunchtime online. On Wed 13 November we welcome Dr Rowland Hughes for ‘Making Meat: Masculinity and Metamorphosis in Frederick Manfred’s Lord Grizzly (1954)’.
Please join us online on 13 November at 1.30 on Zoom Meeting ID: 964 7042 2523. Hope to see you there. I didn’t manage to save the ‘chat’ last time so I might have missed some email addresses. Please email me directly on if you would like to join the mailing list for this seminar series.
Whilst it is still the spooky season I thought I’d let you know that I will be taking part in Lunchtime Bites for an AHRC-funded project called Dracula Returns to Derby (led by Prof. Matthew Cheeseman of Derby University). It was in Derby that Hamilton Deane’s theatrical version of Dracula was first performed, and indeed Bela Lugosi played the role of the Count on 11 occasions during a theatrical run in the 1950s. I have written about the vampire theatre in OGOM’s new book The Legacy of John Polidori: The Romantic Vampire and Its Progeny (MUP, 2024).
My talk ‘Bram Stoker’s Vampire’ will take place online on the 27th November at 12.30. It is FREE but you need to book to attend via this link. Here is a brief synopsis:
Bram Stoker spent seven years researching his novel Dracula. In this talk, Dr Sam George draws on the research notes that Stoker made on the vampire figure and probes into some of his more folkloric sources. She explores the many attributes of the Count as vampire and explains why Dracula casts no shadow and has no reflection in a mirror.
This event is part of Dracula Returns to Derby, an AHRC-funded research project led by the University of Derby in partnership with Derby Museums, Derby Theatre, Bournemouth University and Sheffield Hallam University. A series of public workshops and events connect the city with the world’s most famous vampire.
The identity of a vampire may be known to its victims but if the identity is not known certain procedures can be followed to locate the right grave, according to folklore:
SATURDAY In Southern Europe the search is traditionally carried out on a Saturday because this is the only day of the week that vampires are obliged to lie in their tombs! Professional vampire hunters or DHAMPIRS are often used.
LOCATING A VAMPIRE GRAVE The best way to find a vampire’s grave, according to folk belief is to use a WHITE HORSE and lead it around the graveyard. HORSES are thought to be sensitive to spirits and the supernatural; thus the horse will refuse to step over the grave of a VAMPIRE.
LOCATING A VAMPIRE GRAVE Ideally, a virgin boy should ride the horse in the graveyard or burial plot. The purity of both the boy and the horse will recoil in horror in the presence of the evil undead revenant.
TELL-TALE GRAVES Tell-tale signs that a vampire resides within, according to folklore, are graves that are SUNKEN and graves that have CROOKED CROSSES or TOMBSTONES. All of these suggest that a vampire is dwelling underneath; the unsettled grave shows signs of undead disturbance.
HOLES In Greek lore, a vampire grave has a hole about the size of two cupped hands, located in the area of the head or chest. Those brave enough to look into the hole may see the fiend’s gleaming eyes looking back.
BLUE LIGHT A vampire grave may give itself away by the presence of eerie blueish light or flame. In European folklore, the blue glow is often associated with the vampire’s lost soul; many believe the vampire has no soul, hence he has no reflection or shadow.
On Halloween weekend I will be climbing up the steep flank of Bride Stones Moor to a Graveyard known as Cross Stone: the eeriest place I have ever encountered. Here are a couple of my photos from last year below. Happy Vampire hunting wherever you are!
Marina Warner
Marina Warner is a writer of fiction, criticism and history; her works include novels and short stories as well as studies of art, myths, symbols and fairytales.
Centre for Myth Studies, University of Essex
The Centre It promotes the study of myth, from ancient to modern, and raises awareness of the importance of myth within the contemporary world.
Mythopoeic Society
The Mythopoeic Society is a non-profit organization devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature, particularly the works of members of the informal Oxford literary circle known as the “Inklings.”
Sheffield Gothic
Sheffield Gothic is a collective group of Postgraduate Students in the School of English at The University of Sheffield with a shared interest in all things Gothic.
American Gothic Studies
American Gothic Studies is the official journal of the Society for the Study of the American Gothic (SSAG), which promotes and advances the study of the American Gothic
Echinox Journal
Caietele Echinox is a biannual academic journal in world and comparative literature, dedicated to the study of the social, historical, cultural, religious, literary and arts imaginaries
Journal of The Folklore Society. A fully peer-reviewed international journal of folklore and folkloristics, in printed and digital format
Gothic Nature
Gothic Nature: New Directions in Ecohorror and the Ecogothic
Gothic Studies
The official journal of the International Gothic Association considers the field of Gothic studies from the eighteenth century to the present day.
International Journal of Young Adult Literature
an academic peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing original and serious scholarship on young adult literature from all parts of the world.
Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies
The Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies (ISSN 2009-0374) is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, electronic publication dedicated to the study of Gothic and horror literature, film, new media and television.
Journal of Popular Romance Studies
The Journal of Popular Romance Studies is a double-blind peer reviewed interdisciplinary journal exploring popular romance fiction and the logics, institutions, and social practices of romantic love in global popular culture.
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts
An interdisciplinary journal devoted to the study of the fantastic in Literature, Art, Drama, Film, and Popular Media
Monsters and the Monstrous
Monsters and the Monstrous is a biannual peer reviewed global journal that serves to explore the broad concept of “The Monster” and “The Monstrous” from a multifaceted inter-disciplinary perspective.
Studies in the Fantastic
Studies in the Fantastic is a journal devoted to the Speculative, Fantastic, and Weird in literature and other arts
Supernatural Studies
Supernatural Studies is a peer-reviewed journal that promotes rigorous yet accessible scholarship in the growing field of representations of the supernatural, the speculative, the uncanny, and the weird.
The Lion and the Unicorn
The Lion and the Unicorn, an international theme- and genre-centered journal, is committed to a serious, ongoing discussion of literature for children.
Victorian Popular Fictions Journal
Victorian Popular Fictions is the journal of the Victorian Popular Fiction Association. The VPFA is a forum for the dissemination and discussion of new research into nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century popular narrativeo
Related Links
Aarne-Thompson-Uther Index
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LSAD centre for research into Art, Curatorial Studies, Applied Design and Art and Design Education
African Religions
With the Yoruba Religion Reader and similar resources
Angela Carter Society
Promoting the study and appreciation of the life and work of Angela Carter
Art Passions
Art Passions: Fairy Tales are the Myths We Live By
Asian Gothic
Asian Gothic appears as an attempt to make sense of the vast and diverse body of Asian literature, film, television, games, comics and other forms of cultural production by reading these texts from a Gothic perspective
British Association for Romantic Studies (BARS)
The UK’s leading national organisation for promoting the study of Romanticism and the history and culture of the period from which it emerged.
British Association for Victorian Studies (BAVS)
The British Association for Victorian Studies (BAVS) is a multidisciplinary organisation dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge about the Victorian period.
Byron Society
The Byron Society celebrates the life and works of Lord George Gordon Byron (1788-1824), a poet, traveller and revolutionary
Cambridge Research Network for Fairy-Tale Studies
The Cambridge Research Network for Fairy-Tale Studies is an open space at the University of Cambridge aimed at connecting researchers with an interest in fairy tales across different disciplines and scholarly perspectives.
Centre for Myth Studies, University of Essex
The Centre It promotes the study of myth, from ancient to modern, and raises awareness of the importance of myth within the contemporary world.
Deborah Hyde
Deborah Hyde wants to know why people believe in weird stuff. She attributes her fascination with the supernatural to having spent her childhood with mad aunties. She approaches the subject using the perspectives of psychology and history.
Fairyist: The Fairy Investigation Society
A website that will gather together sources, links, bibliographical references and discussions on fairies and related supernatural creatures
Folklore Society
The Folklore Society (FLS) is a learned society, based in London, devoted to the study of all aspects of folklore and tradition, including: ballads, folktales, fairy tales, myths, legends, traditional song and dance, folk plays, games, seasonal events, ca
Ghoul Guides
Home to the Ghoul Guides – a digital multimedia project devoted to exploring, understanding, and enjoying the wonders and weirdness of the Gothic
Gothic Feminism
Gothic Feminism is a research project based at the University of Kent which seeks to re-engage with theories of the Gothic and reflect specifically upon the depiction of the Gothic heroine in film
Gothic Herts Reading Group
This site is our one-stop platform for discussing our latest Gothic texts, from journal articles and press pieces, to full length books both old and new
Gothic Women Project
2023: The Year of Gothic Women. An interdisciplinary project devoted to spotlighting undervalued and understudied women writers
Haunted Shores
Haunted Shores Research Network, dedicated to investigating coasts and littoral space in Gothic, horror, and fantastic multimedia
Hellebore magazine
HELLEBORE is a UK-based small press devoted to British folk horror and the occult. Maria J. Pérez Cuervo publishes the magazine twice a year, on Beltane and Samhain
monsters: the experimental association for the research of cryptozoology through scholarly theory and practical application
Mermaids of the British Isles
a history of mermaids in the arts and cultural imagination of our early islands, which will map the place of these beguiling, and often deadly, figures in the national maritime imaginary, and explore our ancestors’ persistent reimagining of the mermaid
Open Folklore
Open Folklore is devoted to increasing the number of useful resources, published and unpublished, available in open access form for folklore studies and the communities with which folklorists partner
PCA Vampire Studies
A site dedicated to the Vampire Studies Area of the Pop Culture Association
Pook Press
Publisher of Vintage Illustrated Fairy Tales, Folk Tales and Children’s Classics
Romance Scholarship DB
This Romance Scholarship Database is therefore intended as a tool to assist popular romance scholars in their research into modern popular romance novels
A wiki resource for romance fiction authors, texts, and publishers
Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Database
The Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Database is a freely available online resource designed to help students and researchers locate secondary sources for the study of the science fiction and fantasy and associated genres.
Sophie Lancaster Foundation
The charity, known as The Sophie Lancaster Foundation, will focus on creating respect for and understanding of subcultures in our communities.
Supernatural Cities
Supernatural Cities is an interdisciplinary network of humanities and social science scholars of urban environments and the supernatural.
Supernatural Studies Association
The Supernatural Studies Association is an organization dedicated to the academic study of representations of the supernatural, the speculative, the uncanny, and the weird across periods and disciplines.
The Association for the Study of Buffy+
The mission of the Association is to promote the scholarship of Buffy+ Studies, focusing on inclusivity, intersectionality, and excellence. We define Buffy+ Studies as the scholarly exploration of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its related texts.
The Society for the Study of the American Gothic (SSAG)
The Society for the Study of the American Gothic (SSAG) was established in 2023 to promote and advance the study of the American Gothic through research, teaching, and publication
The Thinker's Garden
we also love Plotinus and the Renaissance Platonists, as well as the Transcendentalists and Romantics. We are also drawn to the peculiarities of the Theosophists and hermeticists of the nineteenth century
Vamped is a general interest non-fiction vampire site. We publish interviews, investigations, lists, opinions, reviews and articles on various topics.
Vampire Studies Association
TThe Vampire Studies Association (VSA) was founded by Anthony Hogg . . .“to establish vampire studies as a multidisciplinary field by promoting, disseminating and publishing contributions to vampire scholarship
Victorian Popular Fiction Association
The Association is committed to the revival of interest in understudied popular writers, literary genres and other cultural forms.
Wells at the World's End
I am reading through the complete works of H G Wells, in chronological order. This blog is for my jottings, as I go along.
YA Literature, Media, and Culture
YALMC is a resource for those of us researching, writing, writing about, interested in Young Adult Literature, Media, and Culture.
YA Studies Association (YASA)
The YA Studies Association (YASA) is an international organisation existing to increase the knowledge of, and research on, YA literature, media, and related fields