Reimagining the Gothic: Gothic Research Award

I am just sharing this news from the Centre for the History of the Gothic as it involves one of my students Daisy. I supervised Daisy’s dissertation and am looking forward to seeing her progress on the ‘Reading the Vampire’ module of her MA next year. Well done Daisy!!

Research Award

We’re very pleased to announce that Jen Baker (University of Bristol), Emily Foster-Brown (University of Sheffield), and Daisy Butcher (University of Hertfordshire) have all been awarded Reimagining the Gothic Research Awards for their outstanding papers presented at the Reimagining the Gothic 2016 Symposium.

The Reimagining the Gothic Project, part of the Centre for the History of the Gothic, promotes and facilitates new research in Gothic studies, and this award is meant to help develop projects with high interdisciplinary potential and encourage MA and PhD students to pursue future Gothic engagements.

The awards will be presented at the CHG Networking Day on July 8th at the University of Sheffield – more details to follow.

Congratulations Jen, Emily, and Daisy!

About Sam George

Associate Professor of Research, School of Humanities, University of Hertfordshire Co-convenor OGOM Project
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