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Author Archives: Admin
IFI Horrorthon 2014, Dublin, 23-27 October 2014
This looks an exciting festival of horror cinema–the IFI Horrorthon 2014 in Dublin (23-27 October 2014)
Terror and Wonder: The Gothic Imagination
A suitably eerie trailer for the Terror and Wonder: The Gothic Imagination exhibition at the British Library, opening tomorrow (3 October 2014).
Wagner, the Wehr-Wolf
A new electronic edition of issue 1 of the Chartist George W.M. Reynolds’s werewolf Gothic novel, Wagner, the Wehr-Wolf from Hic Dragones.
Our Monsters: Ourselves — Café Culture Debate, Newcastle, 1 December 2014
Alison Younger will be talking about how ‘Monsters reflect the cultural anxieties of their times, raising important questions about what is most fearful to us’. Click on the link below for more details Our Monsters: Ourselves
Locating the Gothic Conference, Limerick, 22-25 October 2014
This looks a fantastic conference: “‘Locating the Gothic“, [. . .] is an international conference and series of interlinked events exploring the concept of Gothic locations.’
Bram Stoker Festival, Dublin, 24-27 October 2014
Exciting events at the Bram Stoker Festival in Dublin, 24-27 October! Bram Stoker Festival Dublin
Young Adult literature and the National Book Award
An interesting article on YA fiction in The Guardian, making points about its seriousness and diversity. I often think that much YA fiction is more challenging than the average Booker nominee–especially in the more fantastic fictions. Hence our celebration here … Continue reading
Body Gothic: new book from Xavier Aldana Reyes
OGOM contributor, Xavi, has an exciting new book out, Body Gothic: Corporeal Transgression in Contemporary Literature and Horror Film: http://www.uwp.co.uk/editions/9781783160921?language=en
Posted in Books and Articles, Publications
Tagged body Gothic, Horror Film, Xavier Aldana Reyes
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Introducing the Open Graves, Open Minds blog
The Open Graves, Open Minds: Vampires and the Undead in Modern Culture Research Project is led by Dr Sam George at the University of Hertfordshire, in collaboration with Dr Bill Hughes. The Open Graves, Open Minds project relates the undead … Continue reading
Posted in Events, OGOM News
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