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Author Archives: Sam George
Gothicise and Supernatural Cities
I’m setting up a permanent link (in the Related Links column on the right) from the site to the art collaborative Gothicise, which was launched in 2010. Gothicise create site-specific performances that interrogate the relationship between site and narrative including the 2015 … Continue reading
Posted in Critical thoughts, Events, OGOM News, OGOM Research
Tagged art, Dr Karl Bell, Dr Tracy Fahey, Gothic, Gothicise, Supernatural Cities
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Do Witches Steal Egg Shells: The Curious Origins of the Easter Bunny and the First Hot X Bun
My childhood Easters always revolved around ‘egg rolling’ which would take place before Easter breakfast and would be signalled by a loud announcement that it was ‘egg rolling time’. The eggs were hard boiled and decorated the night before with … Continue reading
Posted in Fun stuff, OGOM News
Tagged Easter Bunny, Egg Rolling, First Hot Cross Bun, Pace Eggs, Victorian Easter Cards
Is A Yorkshire Village Home to the First Plague of English Vampires?
Today news broke of a number of mutilated corpses uncovered in a Yorkshire village called Wharram Percy. The medieval English villagers showed widespread belief in the undead returning as revenants or reanimated corpses. They fought back against the risk of … Continue reading
10K Shares for OGOM Wolves and Werewolves Research!!
The university press office have confirmed that we have had a remarkable 10,000 shares for coverage of our Company of Wolves project in The Independent. This is an astounding testimony to the impact of our wolfish research and is excellent news … Continue reading
Fairy Tale Hybridity: What Kind of Animal is Beast in ‘Beauty and the Beast’?
‘Beauty and the Beast’ belongs to the Animal Groom cycle of fairy tales alongside ‘The Frog King’ and ‘Cupid and Psyche’. I have always been intrigued by what kind of animal Beast is in this tale. In his twenty first-century … Continue reading
Folklore and Fiction: Hybrid Creatures from the Owl Man to the Demon Dog
I am always pleased to find references to English folklore so I just wanted to make mention of this lively and accessible article by Nic Rigby from the BBC site. Serpents, Owl Men and Demon Dogs discusses the way British writers have … Continue reading
CFP Postgraduate Medical Humanities Conference
CFP University of Exeter (29th – 30th June 2017) Keynote Speakers Victoria Bates (Bristol) Ina Linge (Cambridge) Hannah Morgan (Lancaster) The by now well established University of Exeter Postgraduate Medical Humanities Conference is returning in 2017 for the fourth consecutive … Continue reading
Comforted by Wolves
The ending of the cult film ‘Withnail and I’ ( a 1987 black comedy written and directed by Bruce Robinson) came up in our discussions at Cumberland Lodge this weekend after my talk on wolves and wolf children. This was … Continue reading
Posted in Critical thoughts, Film Clips, OGOM: The Company of Wolves
Tagged Hamlet, London Zoo, Shakespeare, Ted Hughes, Withnail and I, Wolves
Love Song for a Vampire 5
Buffy – Once More, with Feeling – Rest in Peace…aww Spike!!
Posted in Fun stuff
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Love Song for a Vampire 4
Two more gothtastic love songs for some dark romance today! Evanescence – Bring Me To Life 2. Shakespeare’s Sister -Stay