Author Archives: firekrank

CFP: Monsters and Monstrosity in 21st-Century Film and Television

There has been a call for chapters for an edited text, Monsters and Monstrosity in 21st-Century Film and Television. Abstracts of 300 words with biographical notes and a CV need to be received by 1st May 2016. The completed chapter (15,000 words … Continue reading

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’10 Books That Will Change How You Think About Fairy Tales’

’10 Books That Will Change How You Think About Fairy Tales’ is a lovely article that lists both academic books, anthologies and new fiction inspired by fairy tales. Hopefully you will find something to inspire you and give you ideas … Continue reading

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Angela Carter, Fairytales and Adaptation

Yesterday morning I noticed that #UpdateAFairytale was trending on Twitter. Of course I jumped right on board and had a merry time thinking up increasingly bizarre possibilities for contemporary fairy tales. Cinderella as a feminist campaigner against modern day slavery, … Continue reading

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CFP: Nautical Gothic (Journal Special Issue)

The following CFP has been released for a journal special issue: ‘Nautical Gothic (journal special issue): proposals due 30 May 2016; papers due 30 November From the earliest sea journeys, the challenges of coastal and ocean travel have rendered the … Continue reading

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More Furry and Fairytale Fashion

Following on from my post on wolfish nails or ‘furry manicures’, a colleague shared a blogpost on the subject, ‘Nothing about her is human except that she is not a wolf’. There are some lovely ideas in this brief blog … Continue reading

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CFP: Death and Culture

The CFP for the conference ‘Death and Culture’ (Thursday 1st September 2016, University of York) has been released. Abstracts and a brief biography should be received by 1st April 2016.

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Are You Afraid of Fairies?

Though quite old, this article on the British Library, ‘Are you afraid of fairies? You should be’, is pretty marvellous. I have to admit, I like my fairies dark. (Holly Black, I’m looking at you. I still remember the first … Continue reading

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Reimagining the Gothic 2016: Monsters and Monstrosity

The registration for ‘Reimagining the Gothic 2016: Monsters and Monstrosity’ has opened. The event is run by the University of Sheffield Gothic reading group and will include a symposium (at which I am presenting) and a creative showcase. Taking place … Continue reading

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Wolf Nails and Bookish Candles

Following a run of more serious posts, here is something light-hearted and fun. Firstly, I’m rather taken with these furry manicures (so lycanthropic) that were recently sported at the Libertine fashion show. Pared with the strong cat-liner, it very much … Continue reading

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Science and the Evolutionary Monster

I really enjoyed this article, ‘Evolutionary Theory and its Monstrous Wonders’ by Donna McCormack. It resonated with the ideas regarding hybridity and monstrosity that I have been exploring in my chapter on Whitley Strieber’s werewolves. It has also got me … Continue reading

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