Author Archives: firekrank

Growing Up with the Undead: Vampires in the 20th- and 21st-Century Literature, Films and Television for Young Children

The following CFP had been released on the subject of vampires in children’s literature: ‘Since Bram Stoker’s seminal vampire novel, Dracula, published in 1897, the figure of the vampire has been a persistent presence in Western popular culture. Though largely … Continue reading

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Generation Dead: The Shiver Workshop

This post is a little late (mainly due to the distractions of moving house and trying to teach myself basic plumbing skills alongside managing a PhD and moonlighting as a tour guide at Shakespeare’s Globe theatre) so apologies for my … Continue reading

Posted in Critical thoughts, Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

CFA – ‘The Comic Work of Neil Gaiman: In Darkness, In Light, and In Shadow’

The following CFA has been released: ‘Call for submissions to an edited collection requested by publisher Since his seminal writing on The Sandman (1989-present) and long since before and after on works such as Batman, Miracleman, The Books of Magic, … Continue reading

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CFA: ‘Exploring Teen Wolf’

The following CFA has been released for a collection on MTV’s Teen Wolf to be published by McFarland Press. ‘Looking for papers for an essay collection on the MTV television show Teen Wolf, with an emphasis on the most recent seasons. This … Continue reading

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‘Ravens and Their Cultural Significance Throughout Time’ Blog Post

A post on the IGA Student Blog site has recently caught my eye. Written by Jamie Ryder, it looks at ‘Ravens and Their Cultural Significance Throughout Time’. Though I tend to look more at wolves as a Gothic creature or ecoGothic … Continue reading

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‘International Women’s Day: Why women can thrive in sci-fi’

Today is International Women’s Day  and the BBC have published an article on ‘Why women can thrive in sci-fi’. It considers why sci-fi offers a space to explore alternative relationships with gender especially in regards to feminism. An excellent way to … Continue reading

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‘Dead Body Politics, Materialities and Mobilities’ Research Seminars

Seminar 4 of ‘On encountering corpses’ will be taking place on Friday 18th March, 1.00pm-4.30pm at 70 Oxford Street, Manchester. This session is called ‘Dead Body Politics, Materialities and Mobilities’. It is free to attend and more information about registration and … Continue reading

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CFP: Romancing the Zombie

The following CFP for articles on romance and the zombie has been released: ‘Romancing the Zombie: Falling in Love with the Undead in the 21st Century Editors Ashley Szanter, Weber State University Jessica K. Richards, Weber State University Project Overview … Continue reading

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More Angela Carter from ‘The Gothic Imagination’ blog

Following on from the first blog post on Angela Carter and scopophilia on The Gothic Imagination blog, here is the next post, ‘The Eye of Profane Pleasures: Fairy Tales, Pornography and the Male Gaze in Angela Carter’s “The Bloody Chamber” and “The … Continue reading

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The Bram Stoker International Film Festival

Tickets are now one sale for ‘The Bram Stoker International Film Festival’ (27th-30th October 2016). Certainly an event to get your fangs into!

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